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Give me your best chocolate cake recipe!

13 replies

pittameinhummus · 02/03/2022 10:19

I'm making a cake to feed 30, yikes! I need the tastiest chocolate cake recipe please!

OP posts:
ChocolateChocolateEverywhere · 02/03/2022 10:20

Nigella's Old Fashioned Chocolate Cake. Works every time!

PurpleDaisies · 02/03/2022 10:23

Nigella quadruple chocolate cake is great to make ahead.

Do you want something to decorate?

Cocogreen · 02/03/2022 10:37

Nigella chocolate fudge cake.
I doubled it and cooked it in the roasting dish for a crowd. Lovely rich moist cake.

REP22 · 02/03/2022 10:51

Nigella's Coca-Cola cake. It's amazing. If you can get it, use Dr. Oetker's cocoa powder, after many trials I've found it's the best.

WhereShallWeGo · 02/03/2022 13:39
pittameinhummus · 02/03/2022 20:04

Nigella it is then! Thank you everyone! I am doing a giant one in a baking tray and will just top with buttercream, it's for a 2 year olds party so nothing fancy

OP posts:
SpeckledlyHen · 02/03/2022 20:10

Just a tip I found recently, instead of greasing and lining a tin you can buy cake release spray from Lakeland. Oh my word what a revelation, no more faffing around with cutting out greaseproof paper. I have used it twice this week and it works, it really really works.

itsnotdeep · 02/03/2022 20:14

It's Nigella's chocolate guinness cake without a doubt.

itsnotdeep · 02/03/2022 20:16

But I always do this tray bake for kids - it's not chocolate though

poblwc · 02/03/2022 20:18

Just to add another nigella suggestion... her chocolate sour cream cake is the single best chocolate cake I've ever had. Sounds weird but it's immense.

ClinkeyMonkey · 02/03/2022 20:20

Mary Berry's Very Best Chocolate Fudge Cake is fantastic. It has never ever let me down!

MrsHaroldRobbins · 02/03/2022 20:23

Mary Berry's chocolate cake with milk chocolate ganache is amazing! As is Ruby Tandor's chocolate birthday cake with coffee.

ruthypfdraper · 02/03/2022 20:30

Another vote for Ed Kimber. One tray bakes book is amazing. Any choc cake recipe from him.

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