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Should I get an air fryer? If so, which one?

33 replies

QueenLagertha · 02/08/2021 20:45


Thinking about getting an air fryer.
Is it worth the money? I'm thinking I couldn't do wedges, roast veg etc in it!
If I do get one, should I invest in a more expensive one?


This thread is quite old now, but if you’ve landed here looking for recommendations, we’ve recently updated our best air fryer page with lots of great options loved by Mumsnet users, plus info on whether they're right for your family. We hope you find it useful. Flowers

OP posts:
ChequerBoard · 02/08/2021 20:49

Yes, they are fab. Use ours all the time.

I've had a few ours the years including a top of the range very expensive Philips one which I hated with a passion as it took forever to cook anything and was a nightmare to clean.

Current one is the best I've ever had and it's a Gourmia from Costco at about 1/3 the cost of the horrible Philips one. Super easy to clean, cooks everything amazingly well, in very fast time.

Enough4me · 02/08/2021 20:50

I have a Phillips and use it crisp up wedges, sweet potato fries & baked potatoes (softened in microwave). Super fast for small volumes. It's more like a mini fan oven as doesn't use much oil and no movement function (I use 1cal olive oil spray for the surface of food).

lemonyfox · 02/08/2021 21:02

[quote ChequerBoard]Yes, they are fab. Use ours all the time.

I've had a few ours the years including a top of the range very expensive Philips one which I hated with a passion as it took forever to cook anything and was a nightmare to clean.

Current one is the best I've ever had and it's a Gourmia from Costco at about 1/3 the cost of the horrible Philips one. Super easy to clean, cooks everything amazingly well, in very fast time.[/quote]
Is it massive? We have an air fryer which has just broken, and they take up so much room it does my head in. But this one looks good for a replacement though.

Lonelynow · 02/08/2021 21:08

I have a tower one, use it almost everyday. When it breaks I will be upgrading to a Ninja as I also use my pressure cooker alot.

GoAwayCat · 02/08/2021 21:19

We use ours almost daily. Cook pretty much everything in it! Ours is a cheap basic Aldi one (£40) and it's been worth its weight in gold.

QueenLagertha · 02/08/2021 21:19

Thanks@ChequerBoard that's definitely a reasonable price! Much happier about buying one for that price. Going to order it

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QueenLagertha · 02/08/2021 21:20

Just seen it's out of stock

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Lanique · 02/08/2021 21:24

We've got a Cosini one - from Amazon, £100 - it really is fab. Compact yet can get loads in (amazing for roasting chicken!) and dead easy to work and clean.

Lanique · 02/08/2021 21:25

Sorry - Cosori

pftn · 02/08/2021 21:28

We have the Ninja Foodi Dual Zone Air Fryer
Yes takes lot of counter space, and they are expensive.
Ours gets used numerous times a week, and its easy, reliable and does a great job on loads of foods

KnottyKnitting · 02/08/2021 21:32

We have a ninja max air fryer. Best and most used kitchen appliance I have.

cheesepizza22 · 02/08/2021 21:33

Ninja foodi here! I use it more than my oven- Saved an absolute fortune on the gas bill!

FrownedUpon · 02/08/2021 21:33

We have a Tower one, but barely use it. I don’t really know what to cook in it. We’re trying to eat healthily, lots of veg etc. It’s also huge and takes up a lot of space.

MadisonAvenue · 02/08/2021 21:50

I’ve got an Instant Pot Vortex. It’s excellent.
That and the normal Instant Pot are used daily, I rarely use my oven and hob.

The latest things I’ve discovered that can be cooked in the Vortex are boiled eggs, without using water.

redferrari · 02/08/2021 21:55

I have the instant pot vortex and the pot too, both frequently used especially in school holidays!

QueenLagertha · 03/08/2021 05:51

Thank you everyone Smile

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QueenLagertha · 03/08/2021 10:11

@ChequerBoard Ended up ordering that off Amazon Smile

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ChequerBoard · 03/08/2021 11:27

[quote QueenLagertha]@ChequerBoard Ended up ordering that off Amazon Smile[/quote]
Oh that's great!

It's a really useful piece of kit, fab for doing roasted veg and even warming up yesterday baguette !

mumsterplus1 · 03/08/2021 18:13

Nooo! Why do you feel the need to fry anything?

Zippea · 03/08/2021 18:18

I have ninja foodi and an instant pot crisp. The only drawback to these quite frankly awesome pieces of kitchen equipment is they are round and in terms of placing things in the basket, making sure there is enough space it’s a little tricky. Square or rectangle would work better.

OchonAgusOchonOh · 03/08/2021 18:27

I bought one in aldi and, other than chips, goujons and toasted sandwiches, I haven't figured out what to cook in it. Any recipes would be gratefully received.

Lanique · 03/08/2021 18:52


Nooo! Why do you feel the need to fry anything?

Well it's not really fried, hence the name. Have you googled them to see how they work? It's more a form of convection heating.

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ChequerBoard · 03/08/2021 19:03


I bought one in aldi and, other than chips, goujons and toasted sandwiches, I haven't figured out what to cook in it. Any recipes would be gratefully received.


Jacket potatoes - fluffy inside and crisp outside

Roasted veg - any and all veg, spray of fry light, some seasoning delicious as a side dish or whizzed up with some stock for amazing easy soup

Warm up yesterday's baguette to crunch deliciousness

Anything you would put in the oven can be cooked faster and with a crispier finish in the air fryer - sausages, fish fingers etc etc.
QueenLagertha · 03/08/2021 19:06

I'm so excited to get mine now 🥰 DH is excited too and usually he gets a bit annoyed at my gadget buying 😂 he is dying to make crispy chicken wings in it. His mate makes them in air fryer and apparently they are delicious

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