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Best Family cookbooks?

7 replies

LifesTooShortYOLO · 27/06/2021 21:41

I'm after a decent all round family cookbook that will make easy and fuss free meals with goodness for me and my family please?
DS is 4 and going through a fussy phase where if he sees a black dot on his food he's like 'what's that?!' 🤦🏻‍♀️
Any good food recipe books please? Now wicks any good?

OP posts:
Fivemoreminutes1 · 28/06/2021 04:34

My Fussy Eater by Ciara Attwell
Jamie’s Super Food Family Classics
Nosh for Busy Mums and Dads

BunnyRuddington · 28/06/2021 16:25

I had The Dinner Lady Cook Book when mine were that age and they seemed to like a lot of things from it Smile

theneverendinglaundry · 28/06/2021 19:53


I had The Dinner Lady Cook Book when mine were that age and they seemed to like a lot of things from it Smile

I have this book and agree it is good!

I'm also looking for ideas...
couldthisbeit · 29/06/2021 19:17

5 O'clock Apron by Claire Thompson is our favourite by far

NorthernDramaLlama · 29/06/2021 19:19

Not a cook book but the bbc good food website is fab! I bought a blank book and now we have our own go to recipe book with our favourites in it!

CMac79 · 01/07/2021 08:57


My Fussy Eater by Ciara Attwell
Jamie’s Super Food Family Classics
Nosh for Busy Mums and Dads

I second Jamie's Super Food Family Classics too!
Pantah630 · 01/07/2021 11:13

The MN cookbook is very good Wink

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