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Extra-curricular activities

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15 replies

kezziahcat · 18/09/2021 14:05

Does anyone's child go to this? My son is very shy and his teacher thought he might benefit from a drama/performing arts club. This seems to be the only one available near us at the right time. He went for a taster this morning and loved it but it is very expensive. Just wondering if others thought it was worth it. Thanks

OP posts:
MrsPworkingmummy · 18/09/2021 14:15

Hi, our DD has attended since age 3/4 starting in the Early Stage class and is now in the Main School and is still attending aged 9. She loves it. She recently passed her LAMDA Grade 1 in Acting too. Like your son, she was shy and had poor social skills. She isn't particularly academic either, but because of going to Stagecoach now has the most beautiful expression when reading and she's fairly confident generally too. She's under CYPS and is likely to be diagnosed as autistic this year (albeit high functioning) and Stagecoach has done wonders for her . The 5 hour break we get each Saturday is a fab too. X

Iliketeaagain · 18/09/2021 14:15

My DD does stagecoach. She has done for for 6 years. Yes it is expensive, but ours accepted childcare vouchers and then later payment from our government childcare account which gives you a bit of a saving (because you get tax back).

Dd loves it, she's not a huge fan of performing, but she enjoys the classes. And I really like that there is no pressure to audition, everyone participates in shows. I find it's been good for confidence.

kezziahcat · 18/09/2021 14:20

Thank you so much, that all sounds very positive. My son is 5 and he didn't know anyone there so I was surprised how much he enjoyed it. He has another taster next week so will see how he gets on there and then will probably continue.

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MummyJ12 · 18/09/2021 14:34

My DS has been going for nearly 7 years. It has really helped him with his confidence and anxiety. It’s such a lovely, encouraging and supportive environment. My DD joined a couple of years ago and loves it just as much. It is expensive but so worth it. It sounds like it would be perfect for your son OP.
Siblings get a 50% discount.
The 3 hours off every Saturday morning for DH and I is pretty great too I have to be honest! Smile

kezziahcat · 18/09/2021 16:50

mummyj12 that sounds lovely, I'm glad both your dc love it. My dd is a lot more social than ds so can imagine she would love it when she's a bit older.

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Bunnycat101 · 18/09/2021 20:51

Do the trial and see. I thought my daughter would love it but it has been the only activity she’s ever done that she didn’t want to return to. No idea why tbh but think some of it might have been the covid restrictions last year. I’d quite like her to trial again as the 3 hours off seems quite appealing and I’m still surprised she didn’t seem to take to it.

Fluteytooting · 18/09/2021 20:56

You may well find that there’s an alternative (and probably cheaper) local school providing the same thing. Stagecoach is so expensive!

KarmaViolet · 18/09/2021 21:10

DD found it overwhelming, but likes Perform which is a similar franchise but more relaxed.

Toomuchleopard · 18/09/2021 21:25

Two of my children have been going to Stagecoach for a few years and I think it is excellent. The younger one is very shy and has massively improved in confidence since going there. The older one was very confident from the start and some of the shows that they have been in have been brilliant. She was recently Miss Hannigan in Annie which was fab. It’s expensive but worth it in my opinion. They’ve also been in a few kids tv shows that the Stagecoach principal organised.

confessionsOfa · 18/09/2021 21:26

My DD went for a few years and loved it. They do really good shows where everyone has a part at the e d of each term or year

whiteroseredrose · 18/09/2021 21:28

DD went to Stagecoach throughout secondary school and loved it. It made her so much more confident about speaking in public and dancing.

nannannanana · 18/09/2021 21:32

It is expensive.

My dd has been since she was four.

It has increased her confidence. She loves it.

We pay monthly about £112 a month for about 9 months of the year.

She goes to main stages now so three hours on a Sunday. It worked out cheaper and easier that separate classes.

The teachers are all great.

I'd recommend as she loves it.

Alsoplayspiccolo · 19/09/2021 09:56

My daughter went for 7 years, my son for 3 or 4.

They enjoyed it mostly, but it became very repetitive and they never performed mainstream shows - just showcases with the odd obscure never-heard-of show thrown in occasionally (that we had to buy costumes for at extra cost, that couldn’t be used again).

It is prohibitively expensive and, as with all franchises, the quality of the experience varies according to the standard of the teachers available.

Definitely with looking around for other children’s theatre/stage groups - my daughter now goes to a really fantastic one, which costs £5 for 2 hours and is pay as you go. She’s taken part in NT Connections with the group and taken LAMDA exams (which are an added cost with Stagecoach for tutoring).

kezziahcat · 20/09/2021 10:21

Thanks for the advice everyone. I looked again and there is one other musical theatre club at a local dance school which is cheaper and we could probably make the time. I might get a taster for that too and hopefully he enjoys it as much.

OP posts:
dancinfeet · 09/11/2021 13:48

It’s a franchise, which means that each branch is only as good as the person running it. Don’t rule out independent theatre schools as well, I would let him trial a couple of different ones to see what he likes the best. Franchise classes tend to be expensive and do not always provide better training or a more enjoyable class experience .

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