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Rebounder trampoline. Any thoughts?

19 replies

Miljea · 14/03/2021 17:09

I have been looking at those small indoor rebounder trampolines, and some YouTube videos.

Are they any good for a bit of an indoor workout for an older person with creaky joints? I want low impact so my bones don't crumble to dust....


OP posts:
mechanicalwonders · 14/03/2021 17:13

If you get one you have to be really careful.I did my back in on one....not doing anything unusual either! The ones with elastic rather than springs are probably better but more expensive. I got one that folds but it's quite hard to actually fold it.

mechanicalwonders · 14/03/2021 17:15

You could check out pahla b on you tube. she does great workouts for the over 50's

CrappyNewYear2021 · 14/03/2021 17:16

I’m creaky with dodgy knees and have been doing an online class twice a week for the last year. I love it and it’s made me stronger especially my core. I have a rebounder with springs.

CrappyNewYear2021 · 14/03/2021 17:16

Oh and just 50!

Miljea · 14/03/2021 17:27

Thanks, everyone!

OP posts:
Miljea · 14/03/2021 17:27


I’m creaky with dodgy knees and have been doing an online class twice a week for the last year. I love it and it’s made me stronger especially my core. I have a rebounder with springs.

Which online class do you use?
OP posts:
PatchworkElmer · 14/03/2021 17:29

I love mine. Best lockdown purchase by miles. I also run (currently injured) and it’s much, much lower impact. Would definitely recommend.

Miljea · 14/03/2021 17:36

I've just been looking at Pahla B on YouTube. That looks interesting!

OP posts:
CrappyNewYear2021 · 14/03/2021 18:24

I use

For equipment and the classes.

MrsMime · 14/03/2021 18:33

I love mine. I've been doing C25k on it as well as other workouts. It doesn't hurt my joints and is fun! I got one with fold in legs so it just slots behind the door.

Cormoran · 14/03/2021 19:12

I use mine for the lymphatic system and bone health.
She has good explanation for rebounder

I follow her for the food and beauty , but she is great for fitness too
Lca321 · 15/03/2021 16:44

I got mine from Decathlon and it is bungees not springs and great, a fraction of the price of the Bellicon.
For classes I use ‘moveyourframe’ online they do a great range of rebounder classes and also many other like pilates, dance, yoga If you want variety.
Love my rebounder!! Best lockdown buy and is definitely making a difference.

JC12345 · 15/03/2021 16:52

I have one and has been great over lockdown when the weather's been rubbish. I use San Fran fitness workouts on YouTube. A good range of different things on there to choose from.

Cheeks4970 · 16/03/2021 11:32

I also do Sanfran Fitness on Youtube - lots of beginners workouts and tips to get you started.

I have been rebounding for years and it is so good for your body - just read anything about it - I don't understand why more people don't do it.

All of these people trying to force themselves into doing running when a rebounder can be just as good and much lower impact on your body. And you can add weights to make workouts more challenging and/or you can just put on some music and do your own thing.

In terms of buying a rebounder, I would definitely recommend getting a bungee cord one and buy the best you can afford. Cheap ones won't last as well.

picklemewalnuts · 16/03/2021 11:42

Ooh brilliant thread. I'll check out the links. I have a cheap, old one from Argos, and I'm 17 stone. It's holding up fine!

I can gently bounce for about an hour now, and do while I'm watching tv. It's great when it's too wet for a walk! I bounce more vigorously at intervals, changing my gait and my upper body movements.

I have Fibro and injure myself at the drop of a hat, and I struggle with impact. It's working brilliantly for me.

Cheeks4970 · 16/03/2021 11:47

Brilliant - well done Smile

Check out SanFran fitness on Youtube as Claire has some great workouts.


picklemewalnuts · 16/03/2021 12:59

I'll bear in mind the spring risk, check them regularly and never bounce hard. Replace it when I can.

Just watched a lymph drainage video. All looks good!

Miljea · 18/03/2021 19:39

Again, thank you to all!

OP posts:
TinkerPony · 09/02/2022 14:40

@Lca321 hi which model trampoline you got in Decathlon? Thank you.

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