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Buggy I can run with - any recommendations?

6 replies

Crunchtime1883 · 29/01/2018 21:54

Looking for a buggy I can run with (once baby 6 months).
However I want something I can use from birth (just for walking for first 6 months).
Where I live is countryside so need something suitable for forest tracks etc.

OP posts:
Seacow87 · 29/01/2018 22:06

Out and about nipper 360. I was still running with this with a giant 3 and a half year old sitting comfortably. (Whilst i nearly died pushing her up the hills)

Crunchtime1883 · 31/01/2018 17:19

Thanks I have been looking at the Nipper Sport actually - do I need the sport for off road or is the standard Nipper ok?
Also did you use the Nipper from newborn? SOmeone told me they didn't think it reclined flat enough for a newborn, although on the website is says suitable from newborn.

OP posts:
Mumknowsbest6 · 01/02/2018 14:20

I used the nipper sport from 5 months old but not sure on the suitability from birth for walking. Check out the Facebook page - - Wendy can advise you which buggy would be best without any pressure to buy. I loved running with my daughter, good luck!

CottonEyeJosephine · 02/02/2018 15:17

Out and About 360 for running, great off road too. I didn’t have it from newborn though.
If your budget is higher the Thule running buggy is fantastic, I hired one on holiday and have been hammering after one ever since.

Cornishmumofone · 02/02/2018 15:26

I used an OutnAbout Nipper Sport from birth - it's my only buggy. If you like running, it's a better model than 360.

Nightfall1983 · 02/02/2018 15:35

Depends on your budget but I have a Thule Glide And it’s fab for running and for walking over rough terrain. It reclines almost flat or you can add a bassinet (not for running obvs).

However I don’t use it for ‘around town’ as it’s very big and long, doesn’t fold down well, also quite hard to steer when you are walking (no problems when running).

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