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The holy grail - vegan and eco friendly washing powder

24 replies

theneverendinglaundry · 15/10/2021 09:58

I would love to use a washing powder that is vegan and also eco friendly.

Ecover is the only one I can find! But it is so expensive. Are there any others out there?

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theneverendinglaundry · 15/10/2021 10:02

Sorry I forgot to add that I would like a bio rather than non bio!

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KrispyKale · 15/10/2021 10:03

Don't know but following with interest.

Apologies if this doesn't apply to you but many people overdose their powder and have a big margin to reduce what they use. Do you have a sudsy looking machine?

Igneo · 15/10/2021 10:08
Soontobe60 · 15/10/2021 10:09

Marks & Spencers and the Co-Op now carry the Leaping Bunny BUAV-approved logo on all their own-brand toiletries and household products. This includes their ‘Value’ or ‘everyday’ lines, so you don’t have to go for the expensive ones, their own-brand products are all vegan. Sainsburys own brand products are not all vegan, only those displaying the Leaping Bunny logo.
NOTE: these shops also sell all the big brands like Persil, Fairy, Arial, Cillit Bang etc. These brands are tested on animals, so avoid them. Look for the M&S, Coop or Sainsbury (with leaping bunny logo) own brand


kokokokokokokokoko · 15/10/2021 10:11

Soap nuts!

Bramshott · 15/10/2021 10:12

Eco balls or eco egg are good.

Saltnsauceta · 15/10/2021 10:14

I use smol. It's lovely, comes through the post and is cheap for what it is. It's eco friendly and vegan, gives you free trials - or maybe for £1 and let's you set up a delivery plan so you only get what you need.
I use the washing pods and fabcon and really recommend both!

RampantIvy · 15/10/2021 10:17


Eco balls or eco egg are good.

Temporarily. When I used eco eggs my washer started to develop mould and smell. Bio powder will kill off mould spores and bacteria, and keep the washer smell free.
rbe78 · 15/10/2021 10:21

Splosh does laundry powder, and all their products are vegan, as well as being eco-friendly. The powder refills come in compostable pouches. There is a jumbo refill pouch which is the cheapest way to do it (13p/wash).

I use them for all my cleaning products, and they do shampoo etc. now too.

summersolstice43 · 15/10/2021 10:29

I use a local refill shop where I take an empty bottle and refill with their detergent. The one they currently have is Minmal and its really good.

ReviewingTheSituation · 15/10/2021 10:34

Smol! You can get a free trial. I love it - been using it and the dishwasher tablets for ages.

cushioncovers · 15/10/2021 10:45


theneverendinglaundry · 15/10/2021 20:21

Thanks for your replies!

I know that some supermarkets own brand are cruelty free. But does the leaping bunny logo mean they are also vegan?

I'm not keen on soap nuts or the eco egg, really wanted to find a powder....thanks for the tip for Splosh, I will investigate!

Seems to be so hard to tick all the boxes! I want plastic free, eco friendly and vegan!

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Twillow · 15/10/2021 20:29
This stuff is really good, only need a teeny scoop too.

AnOldCynic · 15/10/2021 20:49
FlipFlops4Me · 17/10/2021 16:27

The leaping bunny means they aren't tested on animals - it's the Beauty Without Cruelty logo. A product is only vegan if it actually says so.

I use the eco eggs but I regularly add a little Zoflora to the fabric conditioner drawer and that takes care of any mould spores or pong in the machine. Zoflora is both vegan and has the Leaping Bunny certification.

theneverendinglaundry · 17/10/2021 18:23

I watched Shop Well for the Planet earlier and the results with the eco egg seemed amazing, but the reviews online are so mixed!

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FlipFlops4Me · 17/10/2021 18:50

@theneverendinglaundry You have to be careful not to have too big a load for the egg. If it's more than 3kg then split it into two loads. The egg is happy with cold water but likes a fair bit of it - don't use the water economy setting. You don't need to rinse or condition though - just straight from wash to spin.

I have two dogs and a physically disabled husband and get a fair old selection of spills and stains and if I would have used a laundry stain spray before washing with washing powder, then I use one with the egg. (I use the Pink Stuff Miracle Oxi laundry spray - vegan & leaping bunny).

Also, the instructions for the egg say to run the washing machine cleaning cycle (with a cleaning agent) before first using an egg.

I think if you follow the instructions then the results are good but its horses for courses and we all have different expectations.

RampantIvy · 17/10/2021 18:51

How do you deal with mould spores if you only use the eco egg? Wouldn't you then have to use a washing machine cleaner full of nasty chemicals to deal with it?

FlipFlops4Me · 17/10/2021 18:54

Zoflora! WHen I do the dogs' laundry (throws for the sofa, their bed snugglies and towels) I add Zoflora to the fabric conditioner drawer. It has the double purpose of killing spores and smells and really cleaning the dogs' washing.

Zoflora is vegan and leaping bunny certified.

Warmduscher · 17/10/2021 19:00

Smol here too - have been using them for years.

The laundry pods are small enough for the box to be posted through the letterbox. Their packaging is plastic-free, you manage your deliveries online (so I order more when the DC are home and change back when it’s just me and DH) and it smells lovely.

I also use their dishwasher tabs which are equally fab.

FlipFlops4Me · 18/10/2021 07:15

Also, I read on here the advice to leave the washing machine door open in between washes. I started doing it and I don't know whether it has any effect or not. I also pull the drawer wide open between washes.

Like I say, I don't know if it helps but I do it anyway.

theneverendinglaundry · 18/10/2021 09:17


Also, I read on here the advice to leave the washing machine door open in between washes. I started doing it and I don't know whether it has any effect or not. I also pull the drawer wide open between washes.

Like I say, I don't know if it helps but I do it anyway.

I always leave the drawer and the door slightly open. I think it definitely helps.

Fabulosa also do a laundry cleanser that is vegan. I don't use it that often but handy to have in for certain things.

I may have to give the eco egg a try!
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cushioncovers · 18/10/2021 10:35

I think the bunny logo means it's not tested on animals not that it's vegan.

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