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Sexual technics

301 replies

EvansMr · 15/06/2008 20:43

share your sexual secrets
I lay her on her back with me on my side and flick the bean while goin at it like a jack hammer
seems to work every time

is there any technics you would like to share?

OP posts:
notjustmom · 15/06/2008 20:45

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noddyholder · 15/06/2008 20:46

learn to spell and she will be eating out of your hand Had you there!

DKMA · 15/06/2008 20:49


TheTeaspoonLady · 15/06/2008 20:50

sexual technics - is that a new variety of Lego?

Bless you for trying though.

On your way, young fella.

Carmenere · 15/06/2008 20:52

I keep on thinking of sex to techno music or sex with Technics products

Good luck with that EvensMr

dizzydixies · 15/06/2008 20:53

oh girls

play nice, he's obviously not old enough for a credit card for online porn or tall enough to reach the tall shelf

someone throw him something to keep him going till he gets a girlfriend

notjustmom · 15/06/2008 20:54

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dizzydixies · 15/06/2008 20:55


policywonk · 15/06/2008 20:57

ooh ooh give it to me

lackaDAISYcal · 15/06/2008 20:58

This is my favourite.

It always makes me go Phwoar in a lewd and libidinous manner. It must be the reference to cherry or the batteries that are included that do it!

mankymummy · 15/06/2008 21:01

sorry.. .technic-ality here but how can one be "going at it like a jack hammer" if you are lying on your side and she is on her back?

i think either you have the biggest piece of equipment known to man or you have been shagging her thigh.

youknownothingofthecrunch · 15/06/2008 21:01

NJM, rofl

notjustmom · 15/06/2008 21:01

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dizzydixies · 15/06/2008 21:03

manky - maybe it can go round corners?!?

DKMA · 15/06/2008 21:03

Totally PMSL ROLF wetting myself at this thread

MaryAnnSingleton · 15/06/2008 21:03

mankymummy- he probably has a power function extension wire

TheTeaspoonLady · 15/06/2008 21:04

It is clearly a great 'sexual secret'.
Perhaps it's only physically possible in Neverland?

lackaDAISYcal · 15/06/2008 21:04

maybe she is a "flexible" friend

notjustmom · 15/06/2008 21:07

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policywonk · 15/06/2008 21:08

I'm actually quite interested in this Lego Technics stuff now. Had never seen it before. Thanks, EvansMr!

mankymummy · 15/06/2008 21:09

NJM... go round corners?

i think in actuality it would have to do a u turn IYKWIM... ie up and over and back down again. actually i think thats prob a 3 point turn.

one can only conclude that the "bean" he has been flicking has actually been the repeat button on his remote control....

MarsLady · 15/06/2008 21:10

I've got the right Bean haven't I?

DKMA · 15/06/2008 21:11

Oh I've not laughed like this on MN for ages


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notjustmom · 15/06/2008 21:13

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dizzydixies · 15/06/2008 21:13

manky - good point about the 3 point turn or should we use the term U bend in relation to plumbing?!?!

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