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Alcohol dependency

2 replies

OptimisticFather · 30/06/2024 11:11

Hey Dads!
Looking for some advice!
I’ve been in a relationship for the last two years, we moved in together six months ago, I have a ten year old boy and she has a ten year old girl from previous relationships.

My partner will drink a bottle of wine a night. Last weekend it was a bottle of gin over the two days, plus wine. Every night she will drink.

For me it feels like my partner has a dependency on alcohol. We have tried to discuss, and the answer is that ‘she has to change who she is’ to make this relationship work. Apparently it’s who she is, she has always drank this amount.

my mum died of alcohol addiction and my sister has had her challenges. I’m worried we are heading that way.

is this amount of drinking acceptable or am I reacting too much? Should I just accept this? So the relationship can continue?


OP posts:
SixFifteens · 30/06/2024 12:13

Your partner is an alcoholic.
Are you happy for your child to be exposed to that level of drinking and think it is normal? I’d move out. Living with an alcoholic adult has a huge effect on children. I couldn’t be in a relationship with someone who drank that much, but I have alcoholics in my family and know the issues it causes for relatives/children.

GCdad · 30/06/2024 16:58

I think you have to judge how this is affecting both you and your child. It sounds like she has a serious drinking problem, and that it is enough for you to doubt the relationship.

I would encourage her to seek help, and maybe you should consider living separately. You'll soon discover if she loves you or the bottle.

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