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Am I being unreasonable feeling resentful for partners away trips?

2 replies

YourPeachOtter · 09/06/2024 17:07

I have a 1 year old baby - my partner in the space of 4 weeks has been on 2 bachelor parties lasting 4 days each so totalling 8 days a way from our family.

I have two children - I found solo parenting very hard. He said he didn’t want me sending him negative messages while he was away. I was home up a lot of the night with our teething baby being sent pictures of lovely beaches and him having a great time. He got back and he was pissed at me for being in a bad mood telling me I am draining.

really I just want him to appreciate me and appreciate the sacrifice I made for him to go on these trips. I just feel so unappreciated. Am I being unreasonable? He says I seem’s not that it’s just been a lot solo parenting while he’s been on amazing trips. To top it off our relationship isn’t great and we could do with a family holiday but he says he can’t afford it (as he’s been on two bachelor parties that involved two trips abroad) just looking for some sense really……..

OP posts:
Whatatodo79 · 09/06/2024 22:39

He's a tosser and needs to get his thoughts in order. You can tell him I said so.

stayathomer · 09/06/2024 22:42

The negative messages while you’re away thing is awful. Op make sure you take time for yourself- you’ve an appointment you have to go to (say dentist or doctor but go enjoy a cafe/ a visit/ beautician’s etc then uh oh- it’s run over!!). Time for you to have some time too!!!

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