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Incision Free Vasectomy

1 reply

SheepInSandals · 03/06/2024 19:28

Been on MN for over a decade (and happy for MNHQ to verify that claim) and never typed the phase ��I’m a man’ but here I am - with a name chance.

Less than a week ago I had an incision free vasectomy. I did a fair bit of reading - including in this site and thought others may pop on here in search of answers so may as well share my story.

DW knew our family was complete and didn’t want any more DCs. The pill had some side effects she wasn’t keen on, and I feel her body had been through enough (including a pregnancy loss and an emergency c-section) so I made the decision and asked what she thought.

Had a GP appointment and got a referral and was booked a time for my telephone consultation which was a roughly 10 month waiting list… but I suddenly had a phone call 6 months into that saying I could book an appointment. Was asked some questions over the phone and then after my ‘cooling off period’ I was in two weeks later.

The procedure took 15-20 mins and I didn’t feel a thing whilst making small talk with the nurse about holidays.

I’ll be honest - and I know not everyone is the same - I’m surprised by how pain free I’ve been so far. (Touch wood!). Bit of bruising and swelling, but but nothing some ibuprofen hasn’t sorted Liz As advised I’ve double layer the smallest pairs of pants I can find - gravity is not your friend - and I’d describe the area as having a dull ache more than any real pain. I have an office job, so worked from home the following day. I know that puts me in a priceless positions and not everyone can do that. And I need to lay off the gym/running for 4 weeks which I think will be tough. But the people I know who have had issues are those who have rushed back too quickly.

I need to provide a sample in 16 weeks by post and then wait for a letter confirming it’s all been successful.

OP posts:
Stresshead1985 · 05/06/2024 19:03

I was in the exact same situation with the exact same procedure done 8 years ago. Myself & my wife both decided it was the best & easiest thing to do at the time.
My wife had a few issues with the pill, Then the coil. Eventually we exhausted all methods of contraception so i decided on "The Snip".
Like you say almost painless & surgery was around 20 minutes. Not to be to rude here but we were back on the job in less than a week 😀

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