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Court order and moving schools

2 replies

Sjm12345 · 20/05/2024 22:33

Me and my sons mum have been separated for 6 years and quite quickly got a 50/50 court order in place, she has a domestic violence caution against me , she moved to my area before our son was born, he is now year 7 and 12 this august, there is also a prohibited steps order in place saying he can not be moved to live out of the area where we live, yesterday my son opened up to me and asked if i knew about what was happening this Tuesday which i didn’t, he said she is taking him out of school for the day to look at a school well outside the prohibited steps order, would this be classed as breaking a prohibited steps order? She recently completed a prison sentence of 9 months after stealing a very large amount of money from her ex employer, she now says she can not afford to live around here and wants to move in with a partner near the school she is looking at, she has messaged and said she has no intention of working. She has fits quite often and has epilepsy and is now sating she needs to be nearer new partner incase of fits, as far as i am aware the partner has no children so would court not see it as being more favourable that he moved to this area rather than her trying to change the court order to move our son who is in high school, all too set and settled? She has been guilt tripping our son into thinking he has to go because of the epilepsy thing, would this be classed as coercion? I have already had letters from the mediator to arrange that with her and then guessing next step court, what are ky chances of getting my son to stay here where he is happy and settled?

OP posts:
Sjm12345 · 21/05/2024 22:44


OP posts:
BlackPanther75 · 23/05/2024 09:28

Sorry these threads aren’t well followed. Personally in your situation i would look at a men’s site or post it over of the other sections on here.. if you don’t mind becoming a punchbag for the nastier posters on here. You’ll get some good responses of some people but some horrific stuff from others. Depends on how your mental health is i would say

How old is your son? I’m wondering if he is old enough to choose to live with you of that is an option? Who looked after him when his mum was in prison?

Do you say that your wife was violent towards you and has a charge of that? I wasn’t sure from your wording

just from the face of it the mother sounds like she’s problematic, to say the least! I would have thought that with s as mum like that the last thing your son needs is seeing less of you and more of her.

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