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What gift to get for their first birthday?

17 replies

justanotherusername12 · 20/05/2024 09:24


First time posting. I would love some creative, interesting suggestions for gifts to get my little girl when she turns one.

I'm not interested in some vacuous Chinese plastic toy with lots of lights. I've got an older daughter (7) so got plenty of that!

I would love it if it was something she could look back on or something memorable. My current thoughts are a book with a written message in the front or a cuddly toy but I was hoping I could do better.

So anyway please suggest away.

Thanks im advance.

OP posts:
justanotherusername12 · 20/05/2024 10:00

That's nice! Not seen that before.

I'm up for creative crafting ideas too.

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Peonies12 · 20/05/2024 10:11

We didn't get ours anything, seemed pointless and they got gifts from other family, but a book with a message seems nice.

justanotherusername12 · 20/05/2024 10:46

Yeah I can totally see why. A book seems the way forward at the moment.

Everything thing she has is bee themed so I wondered if there was something a long that theme.

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MuskerHounds · 20/05/2024 11:22

My go to one year old present is a Brio dog.

It's cute and when they get sick of pulling it along it's small so you can carry it.

justanotherusername12 · 20/05/2024 13:56

Ah that's cool. Wooden toys definitely last a lot longer.

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justanotherlaura · 20/05/2024 14:10

What about something collectible? We got our son a silver 50p from the royal mint. They're about £60-£70 and sometimes have children's fiction like Peter rabbit that might be fitting

I don't know if it will be worth anything in the future but it's silver so would be worth the weight at least and just something nice to own

We didn't buy him any toys, he got a tonne from friends and family and Christmas was 8 weeks later and he got even more!

justanotherusername12 · 20/05/2024 17:15

justanotherlaura · 20/05/2024 14:10

What about something collectible? We got our son a silver 50p from the royal mint. They're about £60-£70 and sometimes have children's fiction like Peter rabbit that might be fitting

I don't know if it will be worth anything in the future but it's silver so would be worth the weight at least and just something nice to own

We didn't buy him any toys, he got a tonne from friends and family and Christmas was 8 weeks later and he got even more!

Oooh I like it. Maybe could mount it on the wall in a frame or something. Will check out ideas.

OP posts:
Favouritefruits · 20/05/2024 17:18

DS1 got a trike and DS2 can a new car seat 😂

TreadSoftlyOnMyDreams · 20/05/2024 17:37

My sister sent one of these to both my daughters for their 1st birthday. It's still hung over their beds at their insistence, despite multiple room redecorations [they are teens now] . Really nice weight, good quality.

DGPP · 20/05/2024 17:38

Absolutely nothing! I think I had a pedicure as a treat for getting through a tough year

justanotherusername12 · 20/05/2024 21:21

TreadSoftlyOnMyDreams · 20/05/2024 17:37

My sister sent one of these to both my daughters for their 1st birthday. It's still hung over their beds at their insistence, despite multiple room redecorations [they are teens now] . Really nice weight, good quality.

Wow they are nice. Not sure I'd trust my DIY skills thou!

OP posts:
justanotherusername12 · 20/05/2024 21:22

DGPP · 20/05/2024 17:38

Absolutely nothing! I think I had a pedicure as a treat for getting through a tough year

Sorry your year was tough. 1st year be physically demanding IMHO. Hopefully it gets better for you.

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justanotherusername12 · 20/05/2024 21:23

Thinking back to a wooden sign, I actually know a carpenter so perhaps they can do something.

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Isthisjustnormal · 20/05/2024 21:25

How about a ‘heirloom’ type gift, depending on your budget? We got Ds a really lovely wooden sledge for his first and dd a charm bracelet (horribly sexist there I’m afraid) as things they could keep until the were grown up and pass down to any kids of their own.

Isthisjustnormal · 20/05/2024 21:26

Agree with op that they get enough toys from everyone else so something more special/lasting is a good parental present.

justanotherusername12 · 21/05/2024 17:34

Little ones birthday coming up soon. Thanks for all suggestions.

I've decided to buy a matching set of signs for both kids for this Xmas. A long while a way but I'm sure they'll love it.

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