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son hasn't been to school for 8 months, I got cross with him yesterday

7 replies

rob38 · 27/04/2024 12:27

My son lives primarly with his mum. He does not have ASD, ADHD etc. there are no issues preventing him from going to school, he is just able to stay at home if he wants too.

Yesterday I wrote 'As you are intelligent you could have a bright future open to you, doing any job or career you like, or you could stay up late and slob around at your mums - its up to you'.

Was that too harsh?

OP posts:
Allthegoodnamesarechosen · 27/04/2024 12:29


Theredfoxfliesatmidnight · 27/04/2024 12:30

Jesus no it's weak as dishwater!

Is that really the maximum effort you're going to make for your child who hasn't been to school in 8 months? Then come on mumsnet to be all knock kneed and scared about it?

ItsFuckingBoringFeedingEveryoneUntilYouDie · 27/04/2024 12:35

How old is he?
How did he or his mum respond?
Are there other factors related to mental health?
Does he never stay with you in the week for you to get him up and off to school?

Reading between the lines, this did not go down well and/or is not a simple yes/no question.

Youdontevengohere · 27/04/2024 12:37

Have you actually done anything to help get him back in to school, or is your parenting limited to sending text messages?

AnneLovesGilbert · 27/04/2024 12:39

Have you had a proper conversation with him? With his mum? It’s a pretty lame sort of intervention 8 months in don’t you think.

SuperLois34 · 27/04/2024 12:41

Too harsh? After 8 months?

I'd be telling both him and the other parent that he goes to school every single day without fail and I'd be there banging on the door at 8am every morning to enforce this if necessary.

If the other parent is an issue I'd be taking action for the dc to live with me Monday to Friday and also getting Social Services involved.

No school for 8 months is piss poor and the child is clearly being failed by both parents, badly.

rob38 · 27/04/2024 12:46

@AnneLovesGilbert @Youdontevengohere @Theredfoxfliesatmidnight @ItsFuckingBoringFeedingEveryoneUntilYouDie

Yes I have done a everything possible, Camhs, involve Social Services and an Early Help Worker, etc. as has his school.

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