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My Daughter will not go to school :-)

1 reply

edsa131 · 14/03/2024 09:44

Hello, I am just new on here, hopefully, someone can help me out.

Since my daughter went to secondary school and year 9 (3-tier system) she has been diagnosed with ASD. Her anxiety is chronic and is painful to see in the mornings because she says that she cannot deal with going to school because there are too many people and too much noise. It is so hard to see. For more than 2 years we have been attending meetings at school and with the local authority CYPES almost every week, but everything is the same. My wife and I are lost and don't know what to do. School does not come up with any solution and we are worried about her education. She is not learning anything so I think it would be better if she had an alternative provision. I am sorry because I am rambling on the same stuff that I have said to the powers to be for the past few years. I am thinking of taking her out of school and educating her at home. Has anyone else had the same issue?

Thank you


OP posts:
vidflex · 14/03/2024 10:13

Hi. I've been in the same boat. Does your DD have an ehcp?. My own dd does and it's helped me secure a place in alternative provision that specialises in children with an ASD diagnosis. The smaller specialist school has been life changing for her.

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