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Untitled20000 · 08/03/2024 10:06

looking for advice for someone I know I have to give a bit of back story as this person wanting advice just doesn’t know what to do. SO…. Someone I know had been in a very short relationship with a woman who had young kids and not long split from father of baby when they got together , few months later she ends up pregnant everything seemed positive planning the future he was including her children that she had from previous relationship , they went for a scan and appointments, then out of no where decided she wanted to have an abortion, He couldn’t really get his head around that so he had to walk away for a bit and clear his head due to his past relationship 10 years prior the same thing has happened so she was aware this wouldn’t go down well so 1 month later she has contacted to say she is now keeping the baby but she will not get back with the father as what he did is unforgivable but now she is playing god with unborn child already even already suggested court , he is distraught to say the least he has offered his whole life and everything he has for his unborn baby he is at his wits ends he’s been very calm and patient and almost agreeing with everything she wants to save arguing she is now wanting her ex partner to bring his baby home from hospital is that really reasonable ? She had painted this horrible picture of her ex to her new baby dad but now going back on everything she has said including serious allegations! But now he’s to expect him to be living with her and kids , he feels really pushed to the side ! He hasn’t done anything but vouch for his wee unborn baby all he wants is to be a good dad but she seems to be making it impossible already she’s being so nasty to him , making him feel so small , he’s a first time dad and has always longed for this , 2 months ago planning a future with this girl and kids to now her playing happy families with her ex and children planning things with his unborn child , how does he approach any of this ? Any advice or questions welcome thank you !!**

OP posts:
ALLthecheeses · 08/03/2024 10:14

He isn’t being pushed aside. The baby isn’t here yet. He could suggest they go to mediation to discuss the plans for when the baby is here. If she is unwilling to
engage then after the baby arrives he can take her to court.

There is loads of information on the government website or he can talk to a solicitor for advice.

In future he shouldn’t rush into relationships or babies.

My advice for you, is this is his problem to sort out. You can point him in the right direction but it’s up to him to do it.

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