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Mums and dads I need your opinion!!!

16 replies

PinkLemur · 25/02/2024 09:19

Hey all, just a bit of background. I’m a mum of 2, I work full time, and myself and my children all live together.

I have a bit of a strained relationship with my daughters dad, he’s not dad to my other child who is older.

we split up a few years ago, for 1 year, then got back together, he had been living at his dads who he has always paid dig money to for staying there.

since getting back together we’ll sort of he will stay at his dads the whole week and come to see us one day and maybe stay one night a week.

recently he has told me that his dads told him that his own homes rent is increasing and he could be doing with his help towards it, he told me that he wants to go and stay with his dad most of the week and maybe spend a few nights a week here.

the problem I have is that he has said throughout this whole period that he can’t wait until things are more settled financially with his dad so he can come and live with us and be a family ect but now it he’s telling me this.

during this and still he will send my daughters child maintenance, he has recently told me that he think it’s too high, but it’s a calculated amount he got from the CM website so it’s not like I’ve demanded a certain amount.

im just looking for advice on everything, I don’t understand why he wants to help out his dad more than his own family, I could be doing with financial help too, I work full time and pay everything for the house and kids

he is 35 for reference

OP posts:
Hellocatshome · 25/02/2024 09:33

Sounds like he is living his best life. Just gets to dip in and out of family life and your bed when it suits him with no real commitment or responsibility.

Loubelle70 · 25/02/2024 09:34

Hellocatshome · 25/02/2024 09:33

Sounds like he is living his best life. Just gets to dip in and out of family life and your bed when it suits him with no real commitment or responsibility.


tomago · 25/02/2024 09:35

Stop having him over. Seperate completely. And no, he can't pay less than the cms mandated amount unless he happens to travel a huge distance then he can apply for this to be taken I to account.

SadlyACupOfTeaDoesNotSolveEverything · 25/02/2024 09:40

You need to fully separate. This is surely confusing for the children.

I assume with this set up one of you are claiming single person council tax rebate minimum… that feels wrong too.

PinkLemur · 25/02/2024 09:40

Yeah I think I’ve been delusional believing that he wanted to come and live as a family, the thing that upsets me is that he has more concern for his dads rent and being there to help him with it than me who he claims to love and care about and my children who he claims to love and care about

OP posts:
OdinsHorse · 25/02/2024 09:41

Doesn't sound much like a partner?

What are you getting out of this?

Why are you trying to hold on to a "strained relationship"?

Hellocatshome · 25/02/2024 09:42

PinkLemur · 25/02/2024 09:40

Yeah I think I’ve been delusional believing that he wanted to come and live as a family, the thing that upsets me is that he has more concern for his dads rent and being there to help him with it than me who he claims to love and care about and my children who he claims to love and care about

I think his Dads rent is a red herring. He wants to live with his Dad so he has the freedom to do whatever and see whoever he likes. The rent is a cover story.

PinkLemur · 25/02/2024 09:43

I pay full rent and council tax as I work full time, he doesn’t live with me he as stated on the post, he maybe stays over once a month, he pays towards rent and council tax where he lives!

OP posts:
DoYouWantToStartACultWithMe · 25/02/2024 09:44

He is 35?!?!

For fuck's sake. Get rid of him - I mean, what difference will it honestly make to your life?

Imnotarestaurant · 25/02/2024 09:46

PinkLemur · 25/02/2024 09:43

I pay full rent and council tax as I work full time, he doesn’t live with me he as stated on the post, he maybe stays over once a month, he pays towards rent and council tax where he lives!

Is it one night a week or one night a month??

SadlyACupOfTeaDoesNotSolveEverything · 25/02/2024 09:48

PinkLemur · 25/02/2024 09:43

I pay full rent and council tax as I work full time, he doesn’t live with me he as stated on the post, he maybe stays over once a month, he pays towards rent and council tax where he lives!

In your OP you said he maybe stays one night a week and he’s suggested a few nights. You should be entitled to a 25% council tax discount if you are the only adult living in your home regardless of working full time.

tomago · 25/02/2024 09:49

Imnotarestaurant · 25/02/2024 09:46

Is it one night a week or one night a month??

Yes big difference in my opinion

PinkLemur · 25/02/2024 09:52

thanks for your opinions, I feel that I was trying to make myself believe that things could progress, sorry just to confirm mostly one night a month but for the past 3 or 4 months he’s popped over on a Saturday to spend time with the children then heads home in the evening

OP posts:
Loubelle70 · 25/02/2024 09:53

PinkLemur · 25/02/2024 09:40

Yeah I think I’ve been delusional believing that he wanted to come and live as a family, the thing that upsets me is that he has more concern for his dads rent and being there to help him with it than me who he claims to love and care about and my children who he claims to love and care about

Im not sure thats the case entirely ..i think hes using his dad as excuse to not take full responsibility and to live like a bachelor with family perks

handfulofsugar · 25/02/2024 09:57

Surely it makes more sense for him to move back I. With you then he wouldn't pay maintenance and then the maintenance money could go to his dad to help out (not that I agree with that idea) but still surely that's the option that makes more sense. Your children get their dad, you get support and his dad is financially supported. He just wants his cake and eat it too

PinkLemur · 25/02/2024 10:04

Yeah it’s just excuses from him, I’m so glad I’ve asked for other’s opinions on this as I’ve been feeling for a while that it’s best to just end things so going forward I’m going to explain that it’s better for me to be on my own and concentrate on my children, he can still see them when he wants too of course but for me this has helped me see more clearly

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