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Am I overthinking this

27 replies

Puppytrashedmysofa · 17/02/2024 07:48

Middle aged well dressed man stopped my DW on busy mainline station on way home from work. He commented how nice a particular part of her clothing was which is a bit brighter than normal I suppose. Is this nothing to worry about, does it happen alot.I rarely use stations so no idea what it's like day to day.
I know she gets approached frequently for money e.t.c but she just mentioned this incident last week..I don't want to make a big thing about it to bring it up if she's moved on from it.Should I just offer to buy her something more darker in colour or ask her again about it or just leave it.

OP posts:
Firstnews24 · 17/02/2024 07:59

Should I just offer to buy her something more darker in colour or ask her again about it or just leave it.

such a frickin odd suggestion

bossybloss · 17/02/2024 08:00


Pashazade · 17/02/2024 08:02

She's not your property you don't dictate what she wears. He may have been flirting, he may have thought she looked nice and decided to compliment her. Either way, not that peculiar and if it's causing you a problem it's exactly that your problem. Obsessing over this is not normal or healthy.

MinervatheGreat · 17/02/2024 08:02

Are you for real?
I think this is a send up.

AlwaysFreezing · 17/02/2024 08:02

Say what now?

notanothernana · 17/02/2024 08:02

This is a joke, surely!

FindingMeno · 17/02/2024 08:03

You know this, and worse, happens all the time to women, right?

SgtJuneAckland · 17/02/2024 08:03

Yeah another man is definitely going to steal your attractive well dressed wife, better get rid of all her nice clothes and insist she only dresses in grey sacklike attire.

Puppytrashedmysofa · 17/02/2024 08:05

I'm just stressed about someone stopping her on the station standing in front of her with a random comment like this

OP posts:
BouleDeSuif · 17/02/2024 08:06

Aye pet get her a nuns habit that'll sort it.

Firstnews24 · 17/02/2024 08:10

get your wallet and go and buy her a darker piece of clothing. Sorted. Guaranteed that no odd bod will ever bother her again.

In fact, all women should just wear darker clothes. Brilliant.

Kosenrufugirl · 17/02/2024 08:12

Please ignore nasty comments . You sound worried about her safety. Do you live in an unsafe area?

Puppytrashedmysofa · 17/02/2024 08:17

Kosenrufugirl · 17/02/2024 08:12

Please ignore nasty comments . You sound worried about her safety. Do you live in an unsafe area?

It was up in London.She gets home late.Yes I worry about her.

OP posts:
Justkeepswimmingswimming · 17/02/2024 08:19

What are you worried about?

ZenNudist · 17/02/2024 08:22


Puppytrashedmysofa · 17/02/2024 08:27

Justkeepswimmingswimming · 17/02/2024 08:19

What are you worried about?

She doesn't usually mention things like this.I know I'm overthinking it.
I just asked her about it she said she gets loads of men approaching.
She wants a new coat anyway.

OP posts:
JustRollWithIt · 17/02/2024 08:33

In my experience women get attention and comments from random men a lot. I wouldn't overthink it. Your wife will likely be used to this from men, it will mean nothing to her, and she will be more than capable of handling herself. She will never see that man again. He has since probably said other comments to other women he passes by. She chose you. Be flattered. Don't overthink it.

Erecta · 17/02/2024 08:33

It's not a big deal. You're being weird and possessive about this.

Kosenrufugirl · 17/02/2024 08:34

Puppytrashedmysofa · 17/02/2024 08:17

It was up in London.She gets home late.Yes I worry about her.

I work in London. I regularly get on the tube between 8 and 9 pm in Central London. I haven't had a problem you described. I think you need to follow your wife's lead on this matter. Apologies for nasty comments from fellow mumsnetters

Erecta · 17/02/2024 08:35

Women get men approaching them even in countries where they dress in black head to toe like Saudi. Not every male complimenting a woman wants her romantically or sexually. The guy might have been gay or in fashion or works for that brand she was wearing.

Justkeepswimmingswimming · 17/02/2024 08:44

Puppytrashedmysofa · 17/02/2024 08:27

She doesn't usually mention things like this.I know I'm overthinking it.
I just asked her about it she said she gets loads of men approaching.
She wants a new coat anyway.

But what are you over thinking?
Do you think if she’s attractive she is more likely to be assaulted? It doesn’t work that way. Sexual assault is a out power and control.
Are you worried someone will say that’s a nice coats and she will think I will leave my current life behind and run away to Crete with them?

To work out what you should do next you need to work out what the issue actually is for you.

Puppytrashedmysofa · 17/02/2024 08:51

Justkeepswimmingswimming · 17/02/2024 08:44

But what are you over thinking?
Do you think if she’s attractive she is more likely to be assaulted? It doesn’t work that way. Sexual assault is a out power and control.
Are you worried someone will say that’s a nice coats and she will think I will leave my current life behind and run away to Crete with them?

To work out what you should do next you need to work out what the issue actually is for you.

Yes I worry too much about my DW.I get it now it happens alot.Thanks for sorting it for me.

OP posts:
DatingDinosaur · 17/02/2024 08:58

Does your wife want to change her clothing to darker? Does she think it will stop that happening again?

I don't see how a change of clothes will stop random chancers approaching her, or anyone, tbh.


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Puppytrashedmysofa · 17/02/2024 09:19

DatingDinosaur · 17/02/2024 08:58

Does your wife want to change her clothing to darker? Does she think it will stop that happening again?

I don't see how a change of clothes will stop random chancers approaching her, or anyone, tbh.

No she'll choose her own style .I suppose I was thinking darker than random chancers , sorry about worrying about my wife.
Thanks for all your comments, I see it's not easy being a bloke on Mumsnet.You won't see me again and i won't comment again.
All the best.

OP posts:
DatingDinosaur · 17/02/2024 09:29

No need to apologise for worrying about your wife but I do think you need to accept that what she's wearing won't make a difference to random chancers, darker or otherwise, approaching her. The only way to stop that is if she never steps foot out of the door again, or you accompany her everywhere she goes. Neither of those options are feasible or reasonable.

The next one might get off on the sackcloth and ashes look. The one after that might have a thing for full length navy blue skirts. Or black handbags. Or brightly coloured scarves. Or brown shoes.

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