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Child Maintenance when Dad in UAE?

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LCE2023 · 08/02/2024 13:06

Hi! Seeking advice on being able to enforce child maintenance now that my ex husband has moved to the UAE.
We divorced 2 years ago and have never had a formal child maintenance agreement in place for our daughter. Instead he made monthly (somewhat inadequate!) contributions, but gave something, and after the divorce/child arrangement/financial order battle I just couldn’t face another saga!!
He has since moved to lead an Emiratee school in the UAE and has stopped making any financial contribution, despite earning £8k a month!! He now no longer ‘habitually resides’ in the UK, but does have several UK properties that are rented. I believe he has UK accounts and pays tax on the rental income received from the properties.
Without formally applying for UK CMS, they have suggested they will be unable to enforce as he no longer resides in the UK and the UAE does not participate in the REMO. However he is still a UK citizen and does have a registered property UK business. Does anyone have any experience of this? It seems there maybe a claim to be made against his UK assets and taxable UK income?
Help would be welcomed!! Thank you!

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