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Derogatory and Abusive Emails

4 replies

2pacdad · 23/01/2024 09:51

Upon court order, contact with my ex unfortunately has resulted in email contact only regarding important matters surrounding the children

This however has not stopped the abusive, manipulative and derogatory emails I receive from her daily. This is the main reason its got to email only yet it doesn't stop

Upon Cafcass advice and learning, I always keep my emails professional and to the point, leaving emotion aside. I also never involve children in any plans until I have ok'd them with her, but primarily I arrange my work and social life around the court order

She repeatedly puts me down as a father, insults my family and my new partner, completely unprovoked! And then says I refuse to communicate. The reason I don't respond half the time is because of the onslaught


I have the children Monday evenings. Today is my boys 6th birthday and usually he would wake up with me. She requested that she kept him last night at his request. Now I know my boy enough that this was not something he would have considered unless provoked. However, I accepted this and said that's fine as its in his 'interests'

I had originally planned to open presents this morning, but due to this request, my next day to see him is Wednesday. I have a work meeting this evening and was going to get some last minute bits tonight to have a proper birthday with him tomorrow night.

Because she has planned to work this evening instead of her court ordered hours, I am once again expected to change my plans (my work are already pissed at these constant changes, hence the court order) and I 'don't want to see children'. I stress, the order is in place to avoid these situations

Unfortunately my eldest daughter has taken a similar mentality as her mother, treating me with disrespect and telling me what I should and shouldn't do. In my eyes, this should never have been discussed with her.

I made multiple attempts to call this morning to wish him a happy birthday and they have taken it upon themselves to not let this happen

The question I ask is, what can I do to stop these emails. Is there anyone who can enforce that this behaviour is not ok. Its affecting me mentally and also once again, I'm petrified of the damage its doing to my children

As a man, its very hard to see past the fact that if the shoe was on the other foot and I was sending this abuse, there would be an avenue and access to support that would take this situation seriously. She really needs to be told this is not ok

Derogatory and Abusive Emails
Derogatory and Abusive Emails
Derogatory and Abusive Emails
Derogatory and Abusive Emails
OP posts:
Isitsixoclockalready · 09/02/2024 05:54

2pacdad · 23/01/2024 09:51

Upon court order, contact with my ex unfortunately has resulted in email contact only regarding important matters surrounding the children

This however has not stopped the abusive, manipulative and derogatory emails I receive from her daily. This is the main reason its got to email only yet it doesn't stop

Upon Cafcass advice and learning, I always keep my emails professional and to the point, leaving emotion aside. I also never involve children in any plans until I have ok'd them with her, but primarily I arrange my work and social life around the court order

She repeatedly puts me down as a father, insults my family and my new partner, completely unprovoked! And then says I refuse to communicate. The reason I don't respond half the time is because of the onslaught


I have the children Monday evenings. Today is my boys 6th birthday and usually he would wake up with me. She requested that she kept him last night at his request. Now I know my boy enough that this was not something he would have considered unless provoked. However, I accepted this and said that's fine as its in his 'interests'

I had originally planned to open presents this morning, but due to this request, my next day to see him is Wednesday. I have a work meeting this evening and was going to get some last minute bits tonight to have a proper birthday with him tomorrow night.

Because she has planned to work this evening instead of her court ordered hours, I am once again expected to change my plans (my work are already pissed at these constant changes, hence the court order) and I 'don't want to see children'. I stress, the order is in place to avoid these situations

Unfortunately my eldest daughter has taken a similar mentality as her mother, treating me with disrespect and telling me what I should and shouldn't do. In my eyes, this should never have been discussed with her.

I made multiple attempts to call this morning to wish him a happy birthday and they have taken it upon themselves to not let this happen

The question I ask is, what can I do to stop these emails. Is there anyone who can enforce that this behaviour is not ok. Its affecting me mentally and also once again, I'm petrified of the damage its doing to my children

As a man, its very hard to see past the fact that if the shoe was on the other foot and I was sending this abuse, there would be an avenue and access to support that would take this situation seriously. She really needs to be told this is not ok

When you went to court last time for the order, were you represented by a solicitor/lawyer? Communicating by email only is definitely a wise decision - you have evidence of the communications that she is sending. I would remain cordial but stay on topic on every email and ignore the sniping. It would also be worth speaking to a solicitor to see what recourse you have.

I guess that a solicitor will tell you that there is a court order in place and that you have every right to see it adhered to. I appreciate that you are thinking of your children and not wanting to see them upset but at the same time, the idea of a court order is stability for the child/children so if your ex is just manipulating it to cause you stress then that isn't really in their interest.

letstrythatagain · 09/02/2024 06:15

She's behaving very badly although is very driven by her emotions by the look of it and she doesn't seem to be able to control them. It's sad that she's using the kids as weapons. Is there any way you could communicate in another way as emails are probably fuelling the situation tbh.

WhamBamThankU · 09/02/2024 06:36

Try a parenting app? Some of them will advise you if the tone of the message is inappropriate. They also can't be deleted and can be used in court.

RedHelenB · 09/02/2024 06:56

If that's the worst of the emails I think you're over reacting in terms of labelling them abusive, I was expecting a lot worse. I think you just need to stick to the court order regardless, so ds should stay with you on his birthday if it falls on the day you have him. When your children are older they can choose.

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