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Child contact

28 replies

Jase896 · 19/01/2024 21:41

So me and my partner where together for over 5 years and have a 3 year old daughter together. When she was born my partner got her registered without me being present meaning I am not registered as the father. When she was about a month old, my Ex partner had a falling out with my mother and basically asked me to choose between her and our daughter or my family, she made me cut all ties with my family for nearly 3 years and on numerous occasions would check my phone, my emails, my bank, constantly ask me where I was. I lost all my friends and felt completely alone apart from having my partner and daughter I had noone. I recently made contact with my family and my partner found out and on new years day this year she left me and within 2 days she has moved our daughters nursery and hasn't told me where the nursery is but is expecting me to pay for it, she has set up CMS, emptied the joint account and closed the account, kicked me out the house and changed all the utilities, she has on 3 occasions told me that she will get back with me if I never speak to my family again and change all my contact details and when I told her I wanted to be with her and still have contact with my family, she flipped and told me I will never see my child again and when i have been round to see my daughter, her and her mum have sat there and shouted at me in front of our daughter and told me not to contact them as to when I can see my daughter they will tell me when I can see her and if I contact them the police will be called. in the 19 days so far this year I have had 5 hours of contact with my child, no phone calls, no pictures, no video calls and been completely cut off from any form of contact and its absolutely killing me. any advice? To me this doesn't seem like the actions of someone who is devastated from a break up but of someone who has planned this. Please can someone help me understand my feelings of emptiness and lack of sense of being anymore. Thank you

OP posts:
pinguins · 19/01/2024 21:47

My mum did this to my dad. I'm really sorry I don't have any advice but I feel for you. Please stay strong for your daughter. Whatever her mother says or does your daughter will want to know you. I never saw my dad again for 14 years (it was a lot easier for a woman to just disappear with a child back in the 80s/90s) but I ended up with a stronger relationship with him and cut contact with her completely when I found out the extent of her lies and the awful things she had done.

He hired private detectives, solicitors and all sorts but had no idea where to look and she got a court injunction on him by lying about DV (which she often bragged about) so he couldn't contact us even if he had found us.

Sad to say the whole thing destroyed him and by the time I found him again he wasn't in a great state.

You might get some people on here insisting you must have done something but I know exactly how this happens.

Stay strong and keep fighting for your daughter, she loves you and always will.

Luckydog7 · 19/01/2024 21:54

OP this is awful. You need to get your paternity established first so that you can get parental rights then go to court for official contact. They wont be able to keep her from you then. Unfortunately they sound completely unreasonable so this is the only way.

Jase896 · 19/01/2024 21:57

I have already requested a DNA test from the CMS and I have a mediation appointment in a weeks time to get the ball rolling. I know these actions will only make things worse and make contact even harder obtain before it goes to court.

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Jase896 · 19/01/2024 21:59

I literally don't know what to do with my life right now, she wont answer my calls or texts and even blocked my number but then had the audacity to accuse me of not contacting her. Why have I been capable of raising my daughter for 3 years and all of a sudden I am seen as some sort of monster.

OP posts:
11NigelTufnel · 19/01/2024 22:04

You need to start the legal process. Your daughter has every right to a relationship with both parents, one does not just get to ban the other. There will be turbulence in between, so keep all evidence and stay calm in front of your ex and your daughter. There are charity that can help men fleeing domestic abuse.

Theunamedcat · 19/01/2024 22:07

You need to stop and take it to court stick to one text a day/every two days asking about the child nothing personal just child focused

Unless your family are a danger to the child you can see them strong family relationships are a bonus

No you absolutely do not have to pay for a nursery you have not signed a contract for she wants it she pays

Ignore everything about your family stick to getting regular contact with your child

Wear a go pro for any meetings so the shouting is documented

Theunamedcat · 19/01/2024 22:08

I said cut the text messages because if they follow the usual script the next thing will be complaining of harassment to the police

Jase896 · 19/01/2024 22:10

Theunamedcat · 19/01/2024 22:07

You need to stop and take it to court stick to one text a day/every two days asking about the child nothing personal just child focused

Unless your family are a danger to the child you can see them strong family relationships are a bonus

No you absolutely do not have to pay for a nursery you have not signed a contract for she wants it she pays

Ignore everything about your family stick to getting regular contact with your child

Wear a go pro for any meetings so the shouting is documented

When I go to see my daughter for my alloacated 1 hour a week, I have to empty all my pockets and sit on the floor. When they yell at me, my daughter seems scared of me and half the time wont come near me and it is heart breaking.

OP posts:
Reugny · 19/01/2024 22:10

Theunamedcat · 19/01/2024 22:08

I said cut the text messages because if they follow the usual script the next thing will be complaining of harassment to the police


Until it goes legal and she has a legal representative then don't contact her mother.

Jase896 · 19/01/2024 22:12

Reugny · 19/01/2024 22:10


Until it goes legal and she has a legal representative then don't contact her mother.

I am not contacting her, I am waiting to be contacted and keeping screenshots off all interactions to prove I am being reasonable

OP posts:
Jase896 · 19/01/2024 22:15

11NigelTufnel · 19/01/2024 22:04

You need to start the legal process. Your daughter has every right to a relationship with both parents, one does not just get to ban the other. There will be turbulence in between, so keep all evidence and stay calm in front of your ex and your daughter. There are charity that can help men fleeing domestic abuse.

Does this come under the bracket of domestic abuse? Telling me to choose between them or my family? I've been very naïve into thinking it was a normal life to just go to work and then come home to them with nothing in between, no family or hobbies

OP posts:
JMPB · 19/01/2024 22:22

Yes it does some unde domestic abuse, she has been controlling your life.
definitely seek legal advice and get the ball rolling .

i hope your ok

bluejelly · 19/01/2024 22:30

God I feel for you. This does sound like domestic abuse. I hope you can get support ie counselling to help you start to process this.

Jase896 · 19/01/2024 22:32

JMPB · 19/01/2024 22:22

Yes it does some unde domestic abuse, she has been controlling your life.
definitely seek legal advice and get the ball rolling .

i hope your ok

Not really no, my whole world has been turned upside down and going from seeing them every single day to be being alone every single minute is killing me

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Jase896 · 19/01/2024 22:34

bluejelly · 19/01/2024 22:30

God I feel for you. This does sound like domestic abuse. I hope you can get support ie counselling to help you start to process this.

My ex partner has been claiming that I have been controlling but I have never stopped her seeing her family, seeing her friends, going on nights out. Since our daughter was born all I have done is encourage her to go out and make the most of her life and all I got was ' why you trying to get rid of me ' I felt like I could never win

OP posts:
Phonedown · 19/01/2024 22:39

Just get straight to a solicitor and get the legal ball rolling as soon as possible. I personally would not go to the contact sessions if she is using it as an opportunity to abuse you and your child by being verbally aggressive and coercively controlling you. While I absolutely understand your desire to see your child, it is very harmful for your child to be around this toxicity.

Play the long game and do everything properly. So make sure you are doing what you can to prepare a place for you to have your child.

Jase896 · 19/01/2024 22:43

Phonedown · 19/01/2024 22:39

Just get straight to a solicitor and get the legal ball rolling as soon as possible. I personally would not go to the contact sessions if she is using it as an opportunity to abuse you and your child by being verbally aggressive and coercively controlling you. While I absolutely understand your desire to see your child, it is very harmful for your child to be around this toxicity.

Play the long game and do everything properly. So make sure you are doing what you can to prepare a place for you to have your child.

I have contacted CMS regarding a DNA test to prove I am the father so I can get the parentage sorted that way and I have got Mediation booked in. I am following all the steps provided by a solicitor. Does this all seem pre planned by the fact that two days after leaving me, she has changed her nursery? ( I am on the understanding that it was more a challenge to change nurseries than a simple phone call )

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Jk987 · 19/01/2024 23:05

Please also contact a domestic abuse charity for support.

OlderGlaswegianLivingInDevon · 20/01/2024 00:01

From what I have read, she has finished with you - not left you as she threw you out so you are not living in the property ?

Has she given you a reason for finishing with you ?

Has she said she is upset ? ' someone who is devastated from a break up but of someone who has planned this ' and yes there are plenty of posts on here advising mothers to be prepared before they take action.

I would guess she changed the nursery as she has thought you may try picking up the child one day, without her knowing.

Just keep doing what your solicitor advises you to do.

Reugny · 20/01/2024 00:15

Does this all seem pre planned by the fact that two days after leaving me, she has changed her nursery?


The nursery don't know you so they would have to contact your ex to confirm your DD is allowed to leave their premises with you. This is part of their safeguarding.

Oh and be prepared for your solicitor to tell you to do things that you don't feel safe doing around your ex due to how the Courts work.

So make sure you start talking to as many relatives and friends as possible particularly those who are good at controlling their emotions plus are available and will help you if you have to deal with your ex face-to-face. They may have to help you for a good few years.

Phonedown · 20/01/2024 10:33

At this stage it does not matter if it was pre-planned or not. Your romantic relationship with her is over. Living together as a family is never going to happen again. Concentrate all of your focus and efforts into how to maintain and develop your relationship with your child.

SgtJuneAckland · 20/01/2024 10:41

What was the falling out with your family over?
Why were you not on the birth certificate originally? Why have you not rectified that in the last 3 years?
These things give context that will matter in any court application for residency/contact

You're doing the right thing now establishing paternity and going via cms/court but that will take time. Just don't give up, so many men do but think about it from the child's perspective, she will need to know as she gets older that you fought for your relationship with her

Jase896 · 21/01/2024 14:07

SgtJuneAckland · 20/01/2024 10:41

What was the falling out with your family over?
Why were you not on the birth certificate originally? Why have you not rectified that in the last 3 years?
These things give context that will matter in any court application for residency/contact

You're doing the right thing now establishing paternity and going via cms/court but that will take time. Just don't give up, so many men do but think about it from the child's perspective, she will need to know as she gets older that you fought for your relationship with her

I was not put on the birth certificate because she was paranoid I was going to leave the country with our daughter and abandon her ( she had a pretty traumatic childhood with her dad, so i don't know if that has had some impact ) I have been trying for the last 3 years to get on the birth certificate and i have been told on every single occasion, and the falling out with my family was due to me not being on the birth certificate.

She has not allowed me to see my child for more than an hour and even then it isn't any meaningful amount of time spent with my daughter trying to rebuild a bond that has been shattered because I am constantly being watched, Even though for the last 3 years I have been allowed and expected to do everything for her and now I am made out to feel like some sort of convict. I message every single day asking how our daughter is and all i get is left on read and ignored

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Jase896 · 21/01/2024 14:13

OlderGlaswegianLivingInDevon · 20/01/2024 00:01

From what I have read, she has finished with you - not left you as she threw you out so you are not living in the property ?

Has she given you a reason for finishing with you ?

Has she said she is upset ? ' someone who is devastated from a break up but of someone who has planned this ' and yes there are plenty of posts on here advising mothers to be prepared before they take action.

I would guess she changed the nursery as she has thought you may try picking up the child one day, without her knowing.

Just keep doing what your solicitor advises you to do.

She finished with me because I choose to speak to my family, I have a frail 85 year old grandmother and parents who of ill health, so i didnt want to miss out on anything. Why should I be put in a situation where I have to pick between my own little family and the family that raised me?? thats not a question someone should ever ask you to do!

What, so it is fair for someone to have a pre planned escape route away from someone who has been nothing but loving and supportive and raised their child with all the love and care that anyone could ask for? leaving that loving parents life shattered and ruined and taken their child away from them to the point where they don't know how the are, don't get any pictures of videos or video calls? don't know who is looking after them 5 days a week when you're expected to pay? how is any of that fair?

No, she has seemed more hostile and angry that hurt and upset! It took her less than 2 days to change our daughters routine so that I couldn't be involved

OP posts:
SgtJuneAckland · 21/01/2024 14:28

You're not really answering the questions clearly, what was the falling out she had with your family?
Also I still don't understand how you've not managed to get yourself on the birth certificate in 3 years, that's something you could've done without her. Also why did she think you'd leave the country with your child? That seems a huge leap

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