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Husband feels alone

7 replies

Alilly1991 · 04/01/2024 12:23


is there such thing as like a dad support group/ something for new dads? My husband feels completely alone as he doesn’t have friends or make them easily. If he’s tried hard but people don’t seem to ‘get’ him or regularly want to meet up or anything. He like unique things and people find him boring, any other boring dads out there need a new bud? 😅

he needs someone to talk to, a support network and some reassurance. He wants to make friends and I don’t have a clue how to help him. He’s recently tried to take his life because he just feels alone.

I have a strong girls network but all their husbands or boyF/ GirlF have other friends groups. Please help me help him!

OP posts:
Sunflowerseeds23 · 04/01/2024 17:42

Didnt want to read and run. Theres a mens talk support group (Andy mans group), are they near you? What are his hobbies?

fedupandstuck · 04/01/2024 17:45

I'd suggest he looks for groups based around his interests, even if "unique". in this connected age there surely has to be an online community that could branch out into real world meet ups?

KnickerlessParsons · 04/01/2024 17:47

Do you have a Men's Shed group near you? Sounds like just what he needs.

KnickerlessParsons · 04/01/2024 17:48
BettyBallerina · 04/01/2024 17:51

Men’s Shed if you have one locally or joining a hobby group about something he’s interested in. I made new friends when I became a scout leader.

BettyBallerina · 04/01/2024 17:51

Rock Choir is a good one, too. Doesn’t matter if you think you can’t sing.

KnickerlessParsons · 04/01/2024 17:59

Also ProBus.

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