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10 replies

SGOM · 13/12/2023 19:01

Hi all,
I've got a bit of a dilemma and was wondering what you would do in this situation. My daughter (20) has been with her boyfriend for nearly 2 years and told me yesterday she is fed up waiting for him to propose so she is going to ask him on Christmas Eve. I'm a bit old fashioned but said she should go for it if that what she wants. Today I get a phone call from her boyfriend asking if he can nip down as he wants to ask me something. You can see where this is going. He wants to propose on New Years Eve. So, how would you deal with it?

OP posts:
MrSand · 13/12/2023 19:03

There's no bad outcome here really! I'm guessing your daughter would rather be proposed to than have to get down on one knee herself, so I'd advise him to do it sooner, and advise her to wait a week.

Floofydawg · 13/12/2023 19:04

Eek! I think I would tell her but advise her to act surprised when he asks.

AgentProvocateur · 13/12/2023 19:06

Advise the boyf to propose on Christmas Eve.

newtlover · 13/12/2023 19:12

you think he's going to ask your permission to marry your daughter?
are we in a time warp or something?

SGOM · 13/12/2023 20:30

Cheers for the replies, I don't think I could ask him to do it sooner, he was a nervous wreck just asking me, so I think he needs time to recover. I don't want to spoil the surprise for her, so will try to persuade her to do it new years day.
And @newtlover, yes he did ask my permission, it's nice that some of these young ones keep with tradition.

OP posts:
StBrides · 13/12/2023 20:31

Ohhh this so cute!

Don't say nuffin' to no-one, just wait to see who asks first - and then tell us!

Aquamarine1029 · 13/12/2023 20:34

I would tell him to trust you and to propose to her this weekend.

JamieKnows · 13/12/2023 21:38

I'd tell him to do it on Christmas Eve! If he says no, just tell him to trust you. It's all you can do. Otherwise, persuade your daughter to wait for Valentine's Day.

Can you pay for them to go away somewhere romantic? Tell her if she waits until Valentine's Day you'll treat her to a trip to Paris or Edinburgh or whatever. Then give it as an engagement pressie!

123ZYX · 13/12/2023 21:58

There's a tradition that women can propose on leap day (29th February) which will be happening in 2024. You could suggest your daughter waits until then?

Jellybean23 · 13/12/2023 22:00

It's leap year next year , 29th Feb is traditionally the day when women can propose. Persuade her to wait until then.

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