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5 replies

Benmalone94 · 11/12/2023 22:22


The mother of my children decided to pull our son out of mainstream school Feb22 to which I disagreed with but had no choice. I went along with it for the sake of keeping our family together. However there was sufficient homeschooling happening and we both after a chat decided to part ways.

Since parting ways and offering mother of children the house to stay in until youngest child turns 18 (she doesn’t work) or 6 months rent upfront elsewhere, she moved 4 hours away to be near her mum. I have the children every weekend Friday to Sunday and spend £550 a month in fuel to collect and drop the kids off as she doesn’t drive. I’ve been doing this for 6 months whilst paying £200 maintenance to her.

the mother of my children has now decided to go through CMS who are seeking £530 maintenance, whilst I have no issue paying my way for the children I can’t afford to pay £550 fuel bill And £530 maintenance. I’ve spoken to CMS who have said that they will take £70 off the maintenance a month to help with fuel. This still leaves me way short and to the point where I can’t afford to see the children every weekend financially. has anyone else experienced this ? If so any advice would be great, thank you

OP posts:
OldTinHat · 11/12/2023 23:10

Is there any way you can move closer to your children?

That's a huge expense you have. I'm sure that could be better spent on your DC if you lived closer.

OldTinHat · 11/12/2023 23:12

Can you get a court order in place to see your DC?

Benmalone94 · 12/12/2023 06:07

thank you for replying, it’s nice to speak to someone about my current experience especially with how tough it is.

currently have a court application ongoing to get the children to move back closer as mum left the area without a legit reasonable response.

I’m still in the area because all the children’s schooling, friends, family and the house is all here. My work too is also here which mum never had a job.

I currently have my children every weekend but finances is going to put this to an end which is going to upset the kids. I’m hoping at our next hearing come end of April 2024 that something more suitable for the children can be arranged but this doesn’t stop the heart ache I’m having in the meantime

OP posts:
BlackPanther75 · 07/01/2024 22:35

This sounds horrendous and very upsetting for you all.

How old are your children?

i guess i would be looking at moving closer to them. Children need their dads. And i need my kids

Klcak · 07/01/2024 22:36

Have you got parents who would help you with the fuel costs?

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