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Culture vultures

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How often to you pursue " cultural activities"?

31 replies

boronia · 12/04/2022 08:54

I'm inspired by another thread where a few posters say there aren't enough cultural activities in Australia and thus prefer life in the UK. Obviously this was only one of several comparisons made - but I'd like to ask MNetters: how often would you attend a cultural activity: ballet, opera, live theatre, art gallery, writer's talk or festival?

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Penguinsaregreat · 23/04/2022 14:36

This year I have been to the theatre 3 times, once for a musical twice for plays. I've been to the local castle several times. Once to the cinema. An event we had booked and paid for had to be cancelled due to the weather so we visited a very popular historical town and took in a lot of the sights and local history. I'm hoping to go to a live opera streaming soon. I agree the cost stops me doing more.
I've also got 2 concerts (both small affairs) booked.

JaninaDuszejko · 17/06/2022 10:03

We do less now the DC are teenagers and spend the weekend doing sport, we did something every week when they were younger whereas now it's more like once a month. Now we cram culture into our family holidays. So at half term we did three castles, a museum, and several visits to sites of industrial heritage.

Luredbyapomegranate · 17/06/2022 10:04

Once or twice a week.

JaninaDuszejko · 17/06/2022 10:18

I suspect our moves around UK mean we've done more than most people because it's all new and not there all the time.

I think it's down to the type of person you are. DDad was always insistent that we knew about the place we came from and so we were dragged round every historic site going when I was a child. DH travelled a lot during childhood and his parents wanted them to experience every culture they lived in. Funnily enough DH and I do the same to our children.

I went from a small place to a big city when I went to University and my friends and I spent all our money experiencing the culture. In Glasgow in the 90s you could get theatre tickets for £5 so I went all the time and the museums were all free. Happy days.

EBearhug · 17/06/2022 11:38

I think it's down to the type of person you are. DDad was always insistent that we knew about the place we came from and so we were dragged round every historic site going when I was a child.

I agree - we got taken to local sites as much as ones further away. As an adult, I have been to places because they've got a gallery of something I want to see, and I'm likely to find local museums wherever I go.

Museums and galleries are what I do most, (I like to get my money's worth from my Art Fund card,) but I do go to the theatre from time to time. It's more of a struggle to fit in a set showing than "some time this afternoon", I find.

fishingpaintings · 17/06/2022 12:33

We try to do something weekly but more like fortnightly in reality.

Most frequent: galleries and visiting exhibitions.
Less frequent: music
Infrequent: ballet and opera
Never: library 😳

We're lucky to live in a city with lots going on and and lots of support from the council for the arts and culture.

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