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Weekend break in Derry

18 replies

DerryDreaming · 03/09/2020 09:36

I'm hoping to visit Derry / Londonderry in a couple of weeks.
Any suggestions of places to stay in the city, places to visit and places to eat.
Thanks in advance.

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DerryDreaming · 05/09/2020 10:05

I thought there were a lot of Northern Irish posters on here - remember the traybake thread - with local knowledge. I thought I'd get lots of useful info.

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tearinyourhand · 05/09/2020 10:07

Badgers is known for its food and it's right in the city centre.

The Tower Museum is good if you like museums. And a wander round the walls is always good. And across the Peace Bridge.

I love Derry. Rarely has a city been so transformed.

DerryDreaming · 05/09/2020 17:39

Thank you @tearinyourhand

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Inituntiltheend · 07/09/2020 20:54

Stay in the city centre - main hotels are city hotel,shipway hotel,maldron and bishops gate (bishops gate is in top 10 in uk) there's a holiday Inn in city centre too but bit out of hustle and bustle.

Walking tour of walls,derry girls tour, tour of murals, walk over peace bridge to Ebrington Square,have a bite to eat in walled city brewery. Can walk around St columns Park.

Are you going on your own? Couple? Family? Could make more suggestions if know what you're interested in?

user1471464218 · 07/09/2020 21:00

The exchange is also nice for food.

Inituntiltheend · 07/09/2020 21:16

@DerryDreaming also just wondering will you have a car ?

Opensesame1 · 07/09/2020 21:19

Bishops gate hotel is lovely for food.. Mekong is also beaut if you want something different. No fancy frills in the setting but you won't find food like it anywhere else!

TheLastUNIC0RN · 07/09/2020 21:25

Bishops gate for food... their apple tartin dessert is delish. Primrose is lovely for breakfast and you can sit outside along the quay. Entrada does the best steaks.
And Incase you're not aware.. wet pubs still aren't open here as yet

DerryDreaming · 07/09/2020 22:26

Thanks all. That's great info. I knew you wouldn't let me down - what kept yis ?
Going as a couple. Will bring the car.

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Inituntiltheend · 08/09/2020 06:16

Breakfast- pickled duck,secret cafe,stables Inn or down the Quay to primrose or the coffee house

Lunch- sandwich co, guappo, any of the above places and most pubs do soup,sandwich and full dinner menu at lunch time - so Bentley, the thirsty goat, silver Street tap house there is plenty more youll see them all city centre

Dinner- Castle Street social,browns in town,exchange, el tapas gra,entrada, nonnas and again all bars are doing restaurant food - so if looking to stay on for a drink book a late meal and hope you get to keep the table!
I seen on Facebook brickwork lounge are doing basic bar snacks but have live music - really hard to recommend bars atm when they arent normal.
Blackbird also does food and has live music.

If down the quay Pyke n pommes do greaf burgers and tacos atm they are in bus you can sit on it or eat on the street.

Florentinis does the best chips - but only open during the day.

I asked about the car as you could go to buncrana - tank and skinny seaside is lovely for lunch and loads of nice walks that direction. Could stop at an grainan Fort enroute. Firebox grill is also thst direction with unreal steaks
Also ness Woods and roe Valley Park are nice if you want a drive and a walk- there's a nice waterfall at ness woods.

Taxis are cheap but can be hard to get so do try stay city centre if having a drink

Hope that helps! Sitting having breakfast trying to think so brain might not be 100

Enjoy it but remember times aren't normal ! And the craic isn't the same

DioneTheDiabolist · 08/09/2020 18:13

I can't go to Derry without walking the walls. The scenery and architecture are amazing. As is the chance to see a city from above. It is a bit weird.Confused

I see different stuff every time.Grin

DerryDreaming · 09/09/2020 19:13

Thank you sooo much. Plenty to go on here.
There's no beating personal / local knowledge.

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Linwin · 10/09/2020 13:34

I second the Shipquay hotel and castle street social for food.

RoisinD · 10/09/2020 13:43

A visit to the museum of free Derry is an absolute must. Deals with the history of the civil rights movement and the tragic events of Bloody Sunday. Free Derry corner which is iconic throughout the world is close by. All within walking distance of city centre. Museum can be booked online.

Inituntiltheend · 12/09/2020 18:28

Let us know how you get on - everyone is getting photos at Derry girls mural andnod course at free derry corner

DerryDreaming · 12/09/2020 19:15

Thanks again. Looking forward to it. No date yet.

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SionnachRua · 12/09/2020 19:17

+1 for the Free Derry Museum and Mekong.

Rachellow · 24/09/2020 21:23

In August we stayed at Bishops Gate and had dinner at Shipsquay. Both fab and BG had great breakfast/afternoon tea with a great bed. We did a Derry Girls walking Tour which was the best craic. The new museum is worth a visit and on our way down we had a lovely beach walk near Mussenden Temple. It was our replacement for originally Spain changed to Galway then to Derry so I didn't have high hopes but it's so much nicer than I thought it would be.

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