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Kidizoom or other camera?

11 replies

Cluckycluck · 25/09/2021 07:25

DD will be 5 by the time christmas comes and loves taking photos on our phones.
Is the kidizoom camera worth it or should I consider something else?

OP posts:
gg96cgp · 25/09/2021 07:30

Our 5 year old has a kidizoom and loves it, particularly the video and frame functions.

DoYouRememberTheInnMiranda · 25/09/2021 07:30

Ours love theirs too. They're not great quality photos, but they both think they're good, and they love all the special effects you can add.

Vanpod · 25/09/2021 07:37

Yep agree with above. Ours have them for the last 4 years and they're still going, so are good and durable. Easy for kids to figure out and control. Pic quality isn't brilliant but the kids don't care Grin

lovelybitofsquirrell · 25/09/2021 07:50

I must admit i think the kidszoom cameras are awful. They were used in our house for less than a day. We bought my DC a regular digital camera in the end. Not much difference in cost and far better quality

purpleme12 · 25/09/2021 07:53

Mine loves hers

Paddingtonsmarmlade · 25/09/2021 07:56

Ds has had one for a week and loves it. I would say 5/6 is about the right age for it. It's more robust than a standard camera so definitely a plus with my ds.

Bimblybomeyelash · 25/09/2021 08:00

I wasn’t impressed with kiddizoom either. And it annoyed me that it has crappy games on it too!

DaisyDozyDee · 25/09/2021 08:07

What Squirell said. Kidizoom is not really for taking pictures, the quality is appalling. It’s really more of a role play toy for pretending you’re taking photos.
Ours also broke several times (the battery cover just falls off).
We’ve had much more fun and better pictures out of letting them use our really old pocket digital camera.

Curlyhairedbrummie · 25/09/2021 08:31

I bought it for my DS 5th birthday a couple of weeks ago and he's not put it down since! Yes the picture quality is not great but he's not fussed! He loves taking pictures and making videos so for this age I think it's great.

purpleme12 · 25/09/2021 08:37

I got it for mine at 7.
Yes the quality isn't the best but you don't get it for the quality
I don't agree that it's more like a role play toy for pretending to take pictures

lobster12 · 25/09/2021 08:50

I got this one over the kidizoom. The fact that is rechargeable was more appealing. It seemed to have the same features. It does seem quite small but my son seems to like it and it's stopped him trying to take mine Smile

Kidizoom or other camera?
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