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Robot toy for 8 year old boy.

7 replies

Autumnfresh · 04/12/2019 18:23

So, he's been going on about robots and likes to draw them and create them with lego/paper/rubbish lying around. Now he's asked for a Mega mud robot that is not even a toy but a cartoon character!

Has anyone done some research and buying their child a robot? Can you recommend one that has lots of functions and won't break on day 1.

I can see the lego looks nice but a bit simple. There's a white robot that dances but the fabulous reviews on amazon are putting me off. Does anyone have any suggestions?

OP posts:
BlueEyedFloozy · 04/12/2019 18:39

My 8yo (now 13) for the older model of these Mecanno Micronoid.

You need to build it before you play with it - there are buttons to program it's movements and it makes sounds too. Lots of fun here 🙂

Autumnfresh · 04/12/2019 19:07

thanks for the suggestion. I hadn't thought of meccanno.

OP posts:
OhTheTastyNuts · 04/12/2019 20:24

Cozmo has been a big hit here with DSs age 9 and 6

Equimum · 05/12/2019 08:12

What about the Lego Boost? It’s a basic coding robot that can be built in a number of ways and controlled from a tablet. It’s quite a task to build and does some really cool thinks. There are also additional Lego sets that are designed to be built into the Robotic unit. We really live the Ninjago dragon that moves.

Curious2468 · 05/12/2019 11:23

He bugs make battle bots and robot wars sets. Both are awesome!

Alternatively you can buy real ant weight robots from nutsandbots

Boost is good

We’ve picked up the anki vector robot for Christmas this year

Curious2468 · 05/12/2019 11:24

Hex bugs

Autumnfresh · 05/12/2019 13:18

I thought the lego one looked a bit basic but willing to be proved wrong for an easy life. Will take a look now. Hexbugs sound interesting so will do some searching on those as well. thanks.

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