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Please explain Hex Bugs to me?!

6 replies

Happyclappy20 · 08/11/2019 13:27

What do they do, which sets are good and which would you recommend for 7 year old ds? Do they need batteries? Do they break easily?

OP posts:
Enb76 · 08/11/2019 13:35

My daughter loved them aged 5-9 and played with them constantly. They need batteries, a lot of batteries, especially if your child doesn't turn them off when they've finished playing with them. In my house a hex bug battery lasted about 3 days. They don't break easily. I would get a track as they are quite quick at disappearing under furniture, falling through floorboards etc...

MyOtherProfile · 08/11/2019 13:36

They're brilliant! My dc played with them loads for a while. They don't break easy. We had several different kids and a track you could build into different shapes.

gigglingHyena · 08/11/2019 13:51

If you can, get the hive set. It needs very little set up to be fun, but can be built into other tracks. DS foundbit quite tricky to get the track sections apart, and some have got broken in the process. The spiral is particularly hard.

Other that, they have been enjoyed here. The bugs themselves have held up well and we haven't had to many issues with battery life, providing they do get turned off.

gigglingHyena · 08/11/2019 13:52

Oh, a d look up the battery number and go to e at. The official hexbug food ones are hugely overpriced.

Happyclappy20 · 08/11/2019 14:43

Are they the small buttons batteries?

OP posts:
BlueEyedFloozy · 08/11/2019 15:25

My eldest was fascinated with them and now my 6 year old loves them too. They're pretty indestructible!

We didn't have any track for ours but mine like to build hexbug mazes on Lego boards and watch them try to escape!

There are also Hexbug based board games - bugs in the kitchen has been popular here since about 4. It's quick to play and easy to understand plus all the bits are built into the box so you can't lose anything!

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