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Subscription gifts?

21 replies

lostlalaloopsy · 18/08/2018 10:07

Has anyone got any recommendations of subscription gifts? I was thinking of this rather than the usual bottle and biscuits which I do every year!! I was thinking of some sort of subscription for dc too.

Any suggestions will gratefully received!!

OP posts:
ja9r · 18/08/2018 10:18

Dh got a coffee bean subscription for his 40th last year. That's been a bit.

He has previously had a Friday night curry kit delivered monthly. Enjoyed that.

As a family we've enjoyed subscriptions to Nat Trust and local safari park.

Off course mag subscriptions too...

MismatchedStripySocks · 18/08/2018 11:02

Readly is a fab subscription if the person you’re buying for likes magazines. Access to online editions of over 2000 mags (past and present) for only £7.99. Currently 99p for 3 months.

MismatchedStripySocks · 18/08/2018 11:02

Buy on the App Store.

BangingOn · 19/08/2018 07:35

I’ve used Readly, Rave coffee, Spicery, Not Another Bill, The Week magazine and Birchbox.

MeetOnTheLedge · 19/08/2018 07:37

Cure and Simple bacon is very nice.

MongerTruffle · 19/08/2018 08:18

The best subscription gift I've ever got was the Hotel Chocolat one-year subscription PIL bought me last Christmas. I've just looked at the price Shock.

PalePinkSwan · 19/08/2018 08:38

Also meg rivers cakes are lovely:

FairyPenguin · 19/08/2018 08:44

Have used and would recommend:

Willoughby Book Club
The Week Junior
Lonely Planet Travel Magazine

PlatypusPie · 19/08/2018 08:51

I’ve enjoyed receiving subscriptions- and I give them too. . The gift that keeps on giving ( for a year, anyway !) I’ve had art gallery memberships, magazines, online tutorials ( art) - I’m giving an Art Fund membership to someone this week as a milestone birthday gift. My DH had a coffee subscription which was fun and expanded his taste horizons.

Katescurios · 19/08/2018 08:52

Who is t for and what do they like?

BikeRunSki · 19/08/2018 08:56

Bloom and Wild flowers
I gave DB an olive subscription last year, but can’t remember who it was from, but I found them via Not on the High Street.

I fancy a cheese subscription for my birthday.

Curious2468 · 20/08/2018 22:10

Lollipop box is good - cute stationary

My friends get witch casket which seems great value

I found an enamel pin one recently which is super cute

Curious2468 · 20/08/2018 22:12
Louise5754 · 25/08/2018 21:51

Hi I don't suppose you can purchase a subscription for a kindle? It's the only thing my mums into x

NaturalBlondeYeahRight · 25/08/2018 22:00

I get the craft gin club one every other month, it’s fab and great customer service. DH loves private eye magazine and that’s pretty reasonable.

Jfw82 · 25/08/2018 22:06

There is kindle unlimited which lets you borrow from kindle lending library up to 10
Books at a time no limit as to how many a month - think I pay 7.99 a month

Louise5754 · 25/08/2018 22:44

Thank you

EmilyR123 · 02/09/2018 13:22

I subscribe to the Pin Party Club, run by the girl from Sugar & Sloth, it's such an adorable treat, my girls get SO excited when it arrives. She also shares videos and behind the scenes bit in her Facebook group so it's nice to support a small UK artist //

snowmanshoes · 02/09/2018 17:35

What age do you think the pin party club is aimed at please for those who have had it? My dd collects pin badges but she's 12 and wondering if she may be a bit old?

sleepismysuperpower1 · 07/09/2018 18:48

i think she would be absolutely fine with the subscription box. alternatively, you could get an advent calendar that you fill yourself, and put pins sourced from ebay etc in each day, as well as chocolate

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