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Paid childcare

Discuss everything related to paid childcare here, including childminders, nannies, nurseries and au pairs.


28 replies

shellyjules · 21/12/2022 16:48

Hello lovelies, I'm looking for a reputable company where I can hire a nanny to pick up my 1 year old from nursery and look after them until I get home from work. What are the top nanny services that mums are using. Any advice would be appreciated x

OP posts:
underneaththeash · 21/12/2022 23:32

It’s very difficult to get someone to do that. Which area are you in? (It’s easier in big cities)
it may be easier to see if one of the staff at the nursery would be interested.

NurseryNurse10 · 22/12/2022 23:17

What area are you in @shellyjules ?

shellyjules · 22/12/2022 23:27

I'm in Leeds West Yorkshire

OP posts:
spare123 · 23/12/2022 08:25

You're asking someone to only work for a few hours each day, which is difficult for them to live on. Nannies from agencies often won't do this sort of thing. You might be better on or local FB groups/NextDoor/email groups.

90yomakeuproom · 23/12/2022 08:28

Can't you cut out the nursery and just hire a nanny full time?

NashvilleQueen · 23/12/2022 08:37

Most nannies need full time hours so you may struggle. Some nannies with their own children might be more amenable but you'd need to be happy about having their children with your son.

The other thing is to think about when you are recruiting. Often nannies finish at the end of summer as children start school so mid-year is harder.

MaverickSnoopy · 23/12/2022 08:44

As others have said most nannies want full time work. It's not impossible though as some want part time and I know someone who had a nanny job where it was agreed she could take her own child with her, so that may appeal to some.

What hours do you actually need? I assuming your nursery (or another) wouldn't offer those hours. Another option would be a Childminder where they look after other children too. Usually they too won't offer a late pick up to an eyfs child as they can't fill the rest of the space, however it sounds as if you need hours quite late in the day so you may have more luck with this, particularly if they work long hours. See if you have a local Childminder Facebook group, own town has one.

DuckoffXnas · 23/12/2022 09:11

You might as well look for hen's teeth while you're at it OP...

paintitallover · 23/12/2022 10:00

You may find someone on a nursing or education course would do it.

paintitallover · 23/12/2022 10:00

(And I understand they will have basic clearance to work with children).

shellyjules · 23/12/2022 10:13

I go back to work on 1st March and I'm looking to work 4 days a week hours 8:30 - 4:30pm (plus an hour each way commuting). So needing to find cover between 7:30 - 5:30pm. I would prefer placement in a nursery as it's cheaper, but cons include finding a nursery that opens so early and my worry is sometimes I may have to leave work late if there is an emergency (nhs medical worker) also if the child is sick I can't leave work easily. So trying to find a nanny that can do wrap around care would be ideal for pick up and drop off to nursery but they are hard to find. Having a nanny cover the hours above is about £3500 when I spoke to an agency yesterday Xmas Confused

OP posts:
spare123 · 23/12/2022 13:20

Problem is that to get one person to do the nursery drop and pickup means they really can't get any other work in the day.

Do you have a partner? It shouldn't all be seen as coming out of your income.

Kentlassie · 23/12/2022 13:47

3.5k sounds like a lot unless my sums are crap. We are in S London and pay 17ph gross which I think would equate to 2.9k monthly based on the hours you want….I assume nanny salaries would be less where you are.

shellyjules · 23/12/2022 14:10


This is what we were quoted Confused

OP posts:
WoolyMammoth55 · 23/12/2022 14:16

We are in SW so not a local recommend, but our childminder does wrap around hours for lots of working families. She's excellent and we found her through a friend's recommendation.

The care isn't always at our home, it's sometimes at one of the other kids' houses depending on the day. She also takes them to the park after school sometimes if the weather is good too.

You're more likely to find the care you need at a reasonable cost if you go down the childminder route. Best of luck. x

CrotchetyQuaver · 23/12/2022 14:22

It's possible to find this, my daughter is a qualified nanny but doesn't do it as her main job. That she starts early and finishes at 2.30. She's done school pickup and look after the children until evening for many years now, just 2 families in that time. A couple of days a week for her. I think she got the first job from a wanted post on FB. The second may have been word of mouth. Seems to have worked for them all, she's been very lucky as they're both nice families.

shellyjules · 23/12/2022 14:32

This is great thank you!! I will try a childminder. Does anyone know of a reputable company / agency or how to find a good child minder? Is Facebook my best bet? Very lost being a FTM x

OP posts:
nannynick · 23/12/2022 15:27

Family Information Service Leeds -
They can provide some details of Registered Childminders in your area. However also look on Facebook local group for recommendations. Childcare listing sites like ChildcareCoUk also may list some childminders in your area.

There are no companies to help you find a childminder to my knowledge. Childminders run their own business and will use various methods to promote their service. You may find a childminder who could do 7am-6pm four days per week.

shellyjules · 23/12/2022 15:32

@nannynick this is wonderful thank you so so much. I'm desperate and anxious, I have never left my child in the care of anyone accept my mother but when I move back to Leeds she will be 200 miles away! So any recommendation on how to just even find someone reputable so appreciated. Thank you Xmas Smile

OP posts:
jannier · 23/12/2022 19:08

WoolyMammoth55 · 23/12/2022 14:16

We are in SW so not a local recommend, but our childminder does wrap around hours for lots of working families. She's excellent and we found her through a friend's recommendation.

The care isn't always at our home, it's sometimes at one of the other kids' houses depending on the day. She also takes them to the park after school sometimes if the weather is good too.

You're more likely to find the care you need at a reasonable cost if you go down the childminder route. Best of luck. x

A childminder legally works from their home not yours or other parents unless they have an Ofsted permission to use one other premises for more than 50%of their time....that premises must be inspected ....are you sure your using a legal Ofsted registered childminder?

jannier · 23/12/2022 19:16

shellyjules · 23/12/2022 14:32

This is great thank you!! I will try a childminder. Does anyone know of a reputable company / agency or how to find a good child minder? Is Facebook my best bet? Very lost being a FTM x

As nick says your LA holds lists as does you can ring around chat to them make as short list then be sit....see their Ofsted registration, reports, references, how they are with other children and get a feel of how it is for the children. They will show you training certificates that will include the first aid and safeguarding but is often much more.
A registered childminder will take all the current financial support schemes free, UC, 2 and 3 year funding fees reduced by at least 20%.

Commonly they start before 8 often 7 and work until 6.
Many do not drop to nursery as they offer the same as a nursery in terms of education and would not want to use an under 5 space on wrap around. But some will if they have other children in between.

helpmum2003 · 23/12/2022 19:17

You can usually get a list of registered childminders from your local council.

Blondeshavemorefun · 27/12/2022 21:54

As others said it's hard to find someone to do such little hours

If you need 730/530 sure nurseries will do that

It's when goes past 6/630/7 it gets harder

So you need 40hrs childcare a week

A cm will be cheaper than a nanny

Tho a nanny for those hours won't cost £3.5m a month


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Cityzen74 · 02/01/2023 22:53

shellyjules · 23/12/2022 10:13

I go back to work on 1st March and I'm looking to work 4 days a week hours 8:30 - 4:30pm (plus an hour each way commuting). So needing to find cover between 7:30 - 5:30pm. I would prefer placement in a nursery as it's cheaper, but cons include finding a nursery that opens so early and my worry is sometimes I may have to leave work late if there is an emergency (nhs medical worker) also if the child is sick I can't leave work easily. So trying to find a nanny that can do wrap around care would be ideal for pick up and drop off to nursery but they are hard to find. Having a nanny cover the hours above is about £3500 when I spoke to an agency yesterday Xmas Confused

There are nurseries in Leeds who are open from 7.30 - 6 so if you found one of these then you perhaps wouldn’t need a nanny? Although of course you might if you had to stay late. Best wishes with going back to work 😊🌺

Namazzi · 11/09/2023 08:32

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