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Question about those play mats like Totter and Tumble, Toddlekind etc

25 replies

sellotape12 · 21/11/2022 13:53

Hello, are those memory foam thick playmats essential? I mean the trendy ones by Tutti Bambino, Toddlekind and Totter and Tumble? Everyone seems to have one. I borrowed one recently but find it curls up at the edges, (trip hazard?) and also we planned on rolling it back up every evening which is what the brand implies but it's sooo heavy to do that. And looks kinda ugly rolled up, propped up in the corner.
My ten month old is picking dirt out of the rug though so assumed we needed something. What's your experience with them? Yay or nay? (PS I can't stand the pastel jigsaw ones, sorry, I'm an interior designer project manager so need it to sort of blend in!) Thanks

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wibblewobbleball · 21/11/2022 15:30

Obviously not essential. I have a totter and tumble one and it's brilliant though - aesthetically pleasing, hard wearing, easy to clean, comfortable underfoot and great at protecting both the floor and my toddler from knocks/bumps. They flatten down in terms of curled edges once left down. Whether you need to spend the relatively high price on one is up to you. I think the foam jigsaw ones are practical too but found my baby just picked and pulled at them. Another option is a thin traditional play mat like the ones with road designs on etc, or a quilt type mat of which there are plenty about too.

Idrinkandiknowthings1 · 21/11/2022 15:32

We love our totter and tumble, looks great, is wearing well and wipes clean so great for messy toddlers

AriettyHomily · 21/11/2022 15:34

never heard of them, I just chucked a throw down on the hardwood floor.

MassiveSalad22 · 21/11/2022 15:34

Surely your 10 month old will just crawl off it? They’re not essential, we’ve never had one. And aren’t they like £100?? Luxury, not essential.

sellotape12 · 24/11/2022 10:19

Yea it’s ridiculously expensive. The mark up must be huuuge

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sellotape12 · 24/11/2022 10:19

Do you roll it up each evening or just leave it down?

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MassiveSalad22 · 24/11/2022 10:32

sellotape12 · 24/11/2022 10:19

Do you roll it up each evening or just leave it down?

Friends who have them have them in a playroom so just stays down the whole time.

Firen · 24/11/2022 10:49

We have ours in the sitting room as have hardwood floors. It’s down all the time and has been amazing. Had it for over a year and wouldn’t be without it!

Helpyou · 24/11/2022 21:35

As a nanny I've seen many baby / toddler products over the years and it's really helped me know what I would and wouldn't buy when I have kids. For example: I wouldn't buy a spanking new travel system luxury pram as I know they outgrow them quickly so I'd get second hand. Whereas others spend loads on them. However, having got down on the floors of many family homes over the years, I find my tolerance for playing stretches much further with these play mats as they are so much comfier. I honestly don't know how I've managed to play with toddlers without them. I think they are worth every penny. I also think the patterns are lovely and wouldn't roll them up each night. I'd say if it's curling up at the sides then it's a poor design.
Highly recommended here!

TheCraicDealer · 24/11/2022 21:41

I looked at one but it was £££ for the size I would have wanted- I have an aversion to tiny or too small rugs. There are some which aren’t heinous, I seem to remember one which was like a faded Persian rug pattern? It seems like they’re definitely designed to stay in one okace rather than be tidied away nightly, that’s why they’re in adult-friendly designs. Anyway we skipped it in the end and stuck to our normal rug with a bit of underlay under it. We now have one from benuta which wasn’t dear; it has a low pile and we just hoover regularly to prevent bits. It even survived a Ribena spill on Monday without even a stain.

sellotape12 · 03/12/2022 21:42

Ok thanks everyone! Some really balanced responses.

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KatieKat88 · 03/12/2022 21:47

I found a jigsaw style one on Amazon that is grey and white and you can make patterns with it - it was mid-range in terms of price between the totter and tumble ones and the normal jigsaw ones. Have had it for over two years and worth every penny - blends in nicely and saves my knees/keeps me warm because I'm not sitting on a hard floor to play!

inthedeepshade · 03/12/2022 21:54

I've had Totter and Tumble and Munchkin and Bear. Much prefer T&T - easier to clean and kept its bounce better. Dont hoover them though! Or get nail polish remover anywhere near them Blush

BumbleNova · 03/12/2022 21:56

Worth every penny! Ours have had done brilliant service and are still in daily use now mine are bigger. I'm considering another. Also useful as a changing mat when they get mobile. They are so much more comfy to play with them as grown up.

MarianneVos · 03/12/2022 21:56

I had the big jigsaw ones and they were brilliant as I had hard floors. Easy to clean and didn't worry about DCs getting hurt.

I totally gave up decor wise though and resigned myself to spending a few years living in a soft play.

I'm not going to bother to put them down in the new place I don't think, as there's carpet here and I'm restricting food and drinks other than water to the kitchen diner.

MarianneVos · 03/12/2022 21:59

What I meant to say in that ramble was that the Totter and Tumble seemed like neither fish nor fowl to me - not actually nice, but not straightforward, honest, this is kids' stuff. My DCs loved the colours and animals of the jigsaw flooring, but can't imagine they'd have been excited by the grey patterns of T&T.

Plus you can't have fun wearing the T&T round your neck.

TheOpportuneMoment · 03/12/2022 22:04

I love ours. It's in the lounge and no-one knows it's a playmat until they tread on it. It looks nice but is comfy to sit on and is super easy to clean.

RachyKF · 15/05/2023 07:22

I have the Tutti Bambini luxury playmat. I like it because it has reversible patterns on each side. Once it was down for about 24 hours, it lay totally flat and the ends never curl up (they actually sit perfectly flush to the floor). If you are wanting to roll it up each night though, you probably would get the edges curling, whichever brand you get.
I literally couldn’t be without it! We have wooden floors and the mat is a godsend for both me and my family. So easy to clean (quick spray with Milton) and wipe.
Highly recommend.

Cocteautriplet · 15/05/2023 07:30

We splurged on a small totter and tumble one and it’s so beautiful. We’ve had it since DD was tiny and currently use it in DD’s /my room where it acts as a crash mat should she tumble out of bed (she’s nearly 3). I love the fact they are reversible and that they have such lovely designs. Just a warning though be very careful what you clean them with ..anything with acetate / alcohol will take the pattern right off. I found this out to my horror when I spilled some nail varnish remover on mine. Took off a large section of the pattern and I had to flip it over 😅.

sellotape12 · 15/05/2023 09:31

Ok so we did actually splash out and get a Totter and Tumble in the end. We’ve tried a few at other people’s houses and I have to say, we’re really pleased with Totter and Tumble as it’s not overly thick and doesn’t curl up at the edges. You can’t tell it’s made from foam from afar. Looks like a plain ish rug.
They’re expensive and never on offer (don’t bother looking for a discount code) but £ for £, we are getting lots of use out of it.

OP posts:
sfc0 · 01/06/2023 13:20

How are you getting on with it? Do you have pets? I am looking at purchasing one but we have a dog and cant find many reviews from pet owners

scandispirit · 30/06/2023 17:17

This is what I want to know too! I have a large dog - wondering whether his nails would immediately puncture this material!

RachyKF · 30/06/2023 20:28

scandispirit · 30/06/2023 17:17

This is what I want to know too! I have a large dog - wondering whether his nails would immediately puncture this material!

I have two small ish dogs and have had no problem with claws on my tutti bambini.


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ALF87 · 25/08/2023 12:18

I'm maybe a couple of months too late to reply, but we have had one for about 3 years now and I couldn't be without it.
It stays down all the time in our family room as it looks relatively nice. Comfy to play on, was thick enough that I never worried about her banging her head as a baby, and it's lasted really well. Little bit of fading but after 3+ years of daily use I'm not surprised.

We have two medium size dogs, both bully breeds so they like to wrestle a lot (IYKYK) and the mat has seen no damage from their claws even though it's one of their fav spots too.

Currently pregnant with second baby and looking to buy a second mat for our other room. To be honest, with having dogs, because they are wipe clean, they just seem way more hygenic to have down rather than rugs that gather dust/hair no matter how much you hoover (my beloved La Redoute Berber rug has seen better days!).

Can't recommend enough!

sellotape12 · 29/08/2023 11:15

Not too late! I did get one in the end and wish I’d got it sooner. We use it every day now and it’s not unpleasant to look at. We got the Totter and Tumble simplest design. It’s nice in winter when it’s freezing in the house and yet the mat is ok to play on.

expensive but recommended

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