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Maternity pads... How many?

26 replies

Keha · 27/01/2020 16:15

Those of you who have had babies. How many maternity pads did you (roughly) get through? I know you can bleed for weeks but don't know how long I need maternity pads as opposed to normal sanitary towels. Any advice appreciated!

OP posts:
VesperLindt · 27/01/2020 16:33

I went through 2 packs of tena lady pants (1 heavy and 1 medium) and 1 pack of really hardcore Aldi pants. Much easier than separate pads in knickers. Then went through about 4 packs of sanitary towels (heavy). Only lost 150ml blood in hospital and flow relatively light! This is all in first 3 weeks. Went through way more pants than I was expecting so I would stock up second time around. Good luck!

abbs1 · 27/01/2020 17:41

Just to add onto this how many would you suggest taking in your hospital bag. I've currently packed 10-12 but is that enough?

ItIsAllChange · 27/01/2020 17:45

Take maternity pads not sanitary towels. If you excessively bleed they can be weighed to see if there is an issue whereas sanitary towels are too absorbent plus they are scented and can irritate any cuts due to the top layer.

I’d take at least a pack in with you and have another pack in your back up bag in case you are in for longer.

Kinsters · 28/01/2020 07:33

I didn't even use one pack in my pants but cut loads up and used as breast pads.

GiveHerHellFromUs · 28/01/2020 07:38

I used maternity pads for about 2 weeks. Take 20 with you. You just don't know how long you'll be there.

Skyejuly · 28/01/2020 07:39

I took 2 packs of 10 in my hospital bag then used cloth pads at home.

sucha · 28/01/2020 07:40

So many, like sitting on a cloud

pregnant woman meditating

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Babyfg · 28/01/2020 07:46

I think I went through about ten packs. The beginning is very heavy and I had to change the constantly and still leak but as time went on you can go a bit longer between changes.

20viona · 28/01/2020 07:47

I think I used 3 packs. Boots maternity pads are the best it's like sitting on a pillow.

Chirpychirpy3 · 28/01/2020 07:49

I think I got through 4 packs but I bled a lot. Get the boots ones. They are so comfy!

HeyMac · 28/01/2020 07:51

You can also get thick and thin pads too. You might want the thin maternity pads later on! I found them good for when the bigger pads were getting a bit much.

Jessie9323 · 28/01/2020 07:52

It honestly depends on the birth but 10-12 should be ok, with more at home for your oh to bring. I went through about 4 boxes of boots ones in a couple of weeks but I did have an episiotomy

GrumpyHoonMain · 28/01/2020 07:54

Allow a pack per day - you will need them even if you don’t have bleeding as they go a long way to soothe the bruised feeling you get when you sit. You can freeze them for a bit of extra relief too.

firstimemamma · 28/01/2020 07:54

If I were you I'd buy 3 or 4 packs and put 2 in your hospital bag. You'll probably need more but you may not like the particular brand you've chosen so best to do it this way rather than have loads and it turns out you don't even like them! Same goes for nappies!

Berrymuch · 28/01/2020 07:55

I actually got through a lot, and found them super comfortable (a vote for the boots ones as well here), I would take a pack in although you probably won't use all of them but obviously you can bring them home anyway and use them, and a few packs for the cupboard. Not sure if this is recommended so do check, but I found spraying them with spritz for bits was really soothing and helped in the first few days. I went on to sanitary towels a week or so after birth when the bleeding was starting to decrease.

RhymingRabbit3 · 28/01/2020 07:55

I used tena lady pants for the first few days instead, much more comfy and no worries about leaking. I bought 2 packs of maternity pads for after that but I dont think I used them all. Of course it's different for different people. However, unless you live in the middle of nowhere you can always send someone out to get you more so I wouldnt spend a fortune in advance.

Keha · 28/01/2020 09:21

Thanks for the advice everyone!

OP posts:
AhhARadoxBath · 28/01/2020 22:47

I brought 8 x 10 packs. And have used 6 packs in a week.. Alrho I change more than I prob need to.

Boymummy3 · 29/01/2020 22:17

My baby is 2 week old now and upto now I've gone through 4 packs of maternity pads. I'd put a full pack in your hospital bag just so you have enough although the midwife kept giving me them after I'd given birth so I didn't actually use my own untill I got home.

TreadSoftlyOnMyDreams · 29/01/2020 22:35

Bought a few packs for post birth and then my waters broke at 39 weeks.

Like an idiot I assumed that once your waters break, that's it they're all gone telly style. Not that you might have to potter around for 24hrs gently leaking while waiting for contractions to start....

Got through two packs before birth and about barely 1 afterwards but EMCS so I think there was a good internal clean out as part of the delivery process.

Post vbac a few years later the rather large thick ones were handy to cushion the nether regions.

You can buy this stuff on Amazon. Along with nappies and all sorts of shite you will neither have the time nor inclination to go out and find with a newborn. Gift yourself a prime account for free delivery. It will pay for itself in a month and you'll get tons of free telly and kindle books to while away the wee hours feeding...

SpokeTooSoon · 29/01/2020 22:42

It’s not uncommon to wear two at at times for the first couple of days - they’re very soft and gentle on your nether region.

I’ve always used Kotex Maxi Pads Night. The black pack with red writing. Softest ever and very thick. Not specifically maternity buy perfect for the job.

TheCraicDealer · 29/01/2020 22:55

I used Sainsbury's own brand incontience knickers for the first few days (I maybe used half a pack? Also great when my waters went at home, those things are so absorbent) and then on to Boots mat pads. I think I went through two packs? I also tried Tesco's versions but those gave me thrush- they must be less breathable or something. Went back to Boots' and it cleared up.

I bled for six weeks altogether but I was able to move to sanitary pads after three. I used those organic cottony ones from Yoni as I suspected the standard scented (vom) plasticy ones would start the thrush again.

Happy memories.

DesLynamsMoustache · 29/01/2020 23:01

I went through about three packs I think. The Natura ones were my favourite by far.

turnedabout · 29/01/2020 23:10

They do give you pads when you are in hospital, I just used those but made sure I had 2 packs at home for when I got discharged.

Make sure you bring button front nighties to hospital, don't sit on your nightie, lift it up!

Nat6999 · 29/01/2020 23:50

If I had my time again I would buy Tena pants rather than pads & separate knickers, I lost count of the number of times I flooded during the first fortnight after having ds. Saves having to wash knickers & protects clothes & furniture from leakage. I would take 2 packs to hospital & have at least another couple of packs at home for when you are discharged. I had an emcs & they leave you knickerless but with a pad wedged between your legs for the first 12 hours as you have a catheter, I was like that for 48 hours as I was in high dependency & that was probably why I lost several layers of skin from my bum & inner thighs. I would also recommend using some barrier cream to avoid getting chapped & sore from sitting on a damp pad.

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