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Car seats

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Car seats confusion

24 replies

Firsttimemummy23 · 16/02/2023 07:16

Hello first time mummy here, my little girl is due for a upgrade as she's turning eight months on the 24th Feb.

I was thinking of getting the ickle bubba car seat which can go up to 12 years. I looked at the safety regulations and it seems to be regulated but I just wanted to see if anyone had any recommendations for this one or any others?

There's so many options and I just want to chose the safest for her but feeling a bit overwhelmed.

This thread is a little old now so some of the suggestions may be out of date, but if you’ve landed here looking for a pushchair or car seat for your newborn, we’ve recently updated our best baby car seats articles with lots of great options, as tried and tested by Mumsnet users. We hope you find it useful. Flowers

OP posts:
TheFutureIs · 16/02/2023 07:35

Keep her rear facing for as long as possible, it is the safest way

Lolacat1234 · 16/02/2023 07:35

At 8 months she still needs to be rear facing. Those up to 12 seats aren't much good at this age as they are forward facing from a young age.

The safest thing to do is keep her rear facing until at least 4, if not longer. There are lots of great seats that will do this, I had the concord reverso which was great and the axkid minikid which keeps them rear facing even longer up to around 25kg.

Whatever you do please don't turn her forward facing at 8 months old x

FeinCuroxiVooz · 16/02/2023 07:37

to be honest if you are feeling overwhelmed then social media and chatboards aren't a good place to ask, there are some really strident people who will basically imply that you don't care about your child's life if you don't follow their recommendations on car seats. obviously safety is very important but comfort, size if you have a small car, ease of use and cost are also relevant and shouldn't all be totally ignored if the difference in safety-related scores is tiny and negligible in the balance compared to what you would sacrifice to get it. So be cautious about believing wholeheartedly the advice you get on the internet about these things and look for balanced views that aren't pushing you unrelentingly.

KendrickLamaze · 16/02/2023 08:07

It's based on weight, not age. I'd keep her rear facing for longer. They've changed the rules since I had DD but I think you're a way off front facing.

SalviaOfficinalis · 16/02/2023 08:12

I think at that age a “baby” car seat is much better than the ones that can be converted etc to grow with them.

We have the joie spin, which is great. It’s rear facing but can turn to the door to put baby in. My DS is still rear facing at 21 months, but it also faces forwards for when his legs get too long for rear facing.

BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 16/02/2023 08:13

Definetly keep her rear facing as long as possible. The In Car Safety Centre are good at advising over the phone and you can shop online with them for rear facing seats to 4yo plus.

CinderellasBoot · 16/02/2023 08:21

"The safest thing to do is keep her rear facing until at least 4, if not longer."*
Really? Don't their legs get squashed? (Sorry to derail thread)

Kabalagala · 16/02/2023 08:23

CinderellasBoot · 16/02/2023 08:21

"The safest thing to do is keep her rear facing until at least 4, if not longer."*
Really? Don't their legs get squashed? (Sorry to derail thread)

Little kids are very bendy.

NannyR · 16/02/2023 08:28

Most first stage car seats are suitable for up to 15 months (depending on weight and height of the baby), unless she's very high on her centiles its unlikely that she would be outgrowing a seat at 8 months.

Firsttimemummy23 · 16/02/2023 08:28

Hi sorry for the confusion I'm intended to keep her rear facing for as long as possible. The ickle bubba did both rear and facing.

OP posts:
LovelyBitOfSquirrrel · 16/02/2023 08:29

Hi, have a look at the Facebook group car seat safety UK they are brilliant and if you post height, age, weight and budget they will give you the safest recommendations.

Kranke · 16/02/2023 08:32

The Cybex Anoris is the safest car seat. We went by height/weight rather than age. The Anoris is forward facing with an airbag and beat the rear facing ones in testing. It will last to approximately 6yrs. It is quite expensive though.

Kabalagala · 16/02/2023 08:33

Ickle Bubba aren't a recommended brand. If she's low centiles go for a joie, if she's high centiles go plus tested (axkid, britax maxway, avionaut). The multi stage seats aren't usually very good so you're better off just getting a booster when the time comes.

Screwcorona · 16/02/2023 08:34

Rear face...I recommend the joie spin its decent, isofix and spins all the way round.

Putting child in the seat is significantly easier sideways and your back will thank you as they get older and more wriggly

The spinning ones go up to around 4 years old.

CornishTiger · 16/02/2023 08:38

Founding member of CSAUK but no longer involved. Look in the files there for lots of info.

Basic advice - she is unlikely to have actually outgrown her infant carrier yet.

Rear face for as long as possible. Check that it is a proper rear facing seat and not just up to 13kg which from what I see is what the seat you are looking at is.

KendrickLamaze · 16/02/2023 09:03

I'm not sure I could take a car seat called ickle bubba very seriously 😂

20viona · 16/02/2023 09:06

Joie ispin 360 lasts up to 18kg so she 3.5ish. It's a great seat.

Lolacat1234 · 16/02/2023 09:58

They do get a bit squashed but there are many ways to sit comfortably rear facing for bigger kids, cross legged etc. google some pics of 4+ rear facing kids and you will see xx

BertieBotts · 16/02/2023 11:37

Hi OP, is it the Radius or the Solar you're looking at?

The Radius is a rear facing and forward facing, 360 degree spin seat but it does not go up to 12 years, it's a Group 0/1/2 which means that it goes up to 13kg rear facing (about 2 years), 18kg forward facing (about 3-4 years) and then it's a high backed booster seat up to 25kg (about 7 years). In the UK children need to use a car seat until they are 12 years old or 135cm, so you will need to buy another car seat after this one.

The Solar is a forward facing only seat which uses a 5 point harness up to 18kg (about 3-4 years) and then is a high backed booster seat up to approx 12 years. However this seat would not be a good idea for an 8 month old, even if they are already 9kg, because forward facing is still very risky at 8 months old. You want to aim for a bare minimum of 15 months rear facing, but it is best to rear face for as long as you can. Even if you did decide to forward face now, I would not say that this type of seat is a good option for children just entering the 5-point harness stage. They are sometimes useful for children who are getting to the end of the 5 point harness stage, who you don't want to just buy a booster seat but don't want to buy a seat that only lasts another 6-12 months either. When they are just starting in this sitting up harnessed stage (coming out of reclined baby carry seat) then you want to go for a seat that just covers the harness stage and doesn't convert to booster seat. Ideally rear facing, but also important even if you go for a forward facing seat.

The "Radius" type of seat which covers all the different stages are popular at the moment because the promise of lasting the whole time you need a car seat sounds really great. In practice, though, they tend to be a bit of a pain to use and have several downsides compared to seats which cover just one, maybe two different stages. They also tend to be a false economy - for example, the Radius costs £189 according to their website, but given you are essentially getting a very basic spin seat plus a high backed booster that only lasts until 25kg, you would do better to get something like Graco Turn2Me as your spin seat, which is about £150, and then in 4 years' time buy a basic high backed booster for £40, which will fit better and last you to the proper 150cm/12 years. Same money spent, and an overall much better quality option.

The Graco is nicer to use, the build quality is better, it can rear face up to 18kg, and any dedicated high backed booster (especially from a good-but-cheap brand, like Joie) will fit better than the Radius in booster mode. I notice there are no pictures of any child model in the booster mode - I think this will be because where they have the belt guides on the shell, like that one does (see the red guides on top), this is a very outdated style and tends to result in poor belt fit compared to booster seats which have the belt guide in the headrest (e.g. Joie Trillo), because the seatbelt can't move up as the child grows. This will mean that it is placed too high for younger children and too low for older children. If you do get this seat I would not recommend using the booster mode at all, and in that case if your budget is approx £190, it would be worth comparing with:

Joie 360 Spin - nicer spin seat, rear facing up to 18kg / forward facing to 18kg.
Britax Dualfix 2R - nicer spin seat, anti-rebound bar, RF/FF both to 18kg
Britax Max Way - very safe extended rear facing seat up to 25kg.
Joie Stages - much cheaper, RF to 18kg, FF to 18kg, 25kg booster seat (better belt fit).

BertieBotts · 16/02/2023 14:55

CinderellasBoot · 16/02/2023 08:21

"The safest thing to do is keep her rear facing until at least 4, if not longer."*
Really? Don't their legs get squashed? (Sorry to derail thread)

No, not if you buy a good seat that's well designed for rear facing up to 4 (or longer) :)

In Sweden that is totally the norm and thanks to the internet, you can easily buy the Swedish seats over here now if you want to. Axkid for example posted these photos on their FB page today which I think are a good illustration of leg room in rear facing seats.

You don't just keep squishing them into the baby capsule forever :)

Car seats confusion
Car seats confusion
BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 16/02/2023 15:32

Whick ickle bubba car seat goes up to 12 years?

Firsttimemummy23 · 16/02/2023 16:13

Hi this is the link

I don't think it's suitable reading it now as I got more knowledge now.

I have also been looking at graco slim fit as well xx

OP posts:
BertieBotts · 17/02/2023 12:53

The Graco Slim fit has a number of the same issues in that it covers every group when there is really no need to do this, it is quite an average/lower (not the worst) quality seat at every stage.

It's better than the Ickle Bubba because it can rear face to 18kg but it's not the most practical for this, because the seatbelt crosses over the bit you get the child in and you're stuck in the one recline position.

What about Graco Turn2Me instead? This has the spin feature that you liked ann it can be rear facing to 18kg or forward facing if you like.

Forget seats that last until 12. They are a false economy. Booster seats are not very expensive.


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BertieBotts · 17/02/2023 12:59

Just had a look at the seat you've linked, I wouldn't use this one as it's the kind with a Y-shaped tether that prevents you from being able to spin the seat when the tether is on. Since the tether is required for safety, it's stupidly impractical and you're paying for a feature (spin) you won't be ab;e to use or you'll have to install the seat unsafely (do not ever do this) to be able to use the spin.

Looks like a bargain, alas not.

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