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Most versatile 123 seat (Reluctant FF)?

1 reply

PensionPuzzle · 19/09/2022 20:08

So I was hoping DD (3.5yrs) would ERF in her spinning Joie seat but after a few very unpleasant journeys we turned her FF just after 3. I know ERF is best and am gutted that that we aren't but I honestly didn't feel safe driving with her RF in terms of being able to concentrate etc. as we go on regular reasonable length trips with me on my own with the two kids.

Little sister is now outgrowing her infant carrier so will be going into the spinner and hopefully staying in it like that for several years!

So that leaves me needing a new seat for the eldest. The kicker is that we will be changing the car soon to a model as yet unknown (and I don't really understand the top tether thing anyway) so I need one that is most likely to fit most modern cars.

She is short and slight so I think I will need a 1/2 or 1/2/3 seat? I'm looking at the newer Britax Evolva as my preference on paper but I'm open to alternatives, preferably around that price point but happy to stretch the budget for safety features to make up for the FF as far as it can. I'm not a big lover of Joie products but if there is a good option for me among them then that's fair enough. Doesn't need to be easy to swap between cars as that will be a very rare thing.

OP posts:
BertieBotts · 20/09/2022 11:14

I'd look at Britax Advansafix, as that is the best rated (2.3 for safety) 123 seat with 5 point harness overall. You will need isofix and top tether to fit it, but it fits in any car with those features. It also makes a very good high backed booster.

Any car produced after 2013 will have both isofix and top tether, so it's not a problem if you're looking at second hand cars. Some older models do as well, it's completely impossible in cars older than 1997, then 1997-2006 it was rare, 2006-2013 more common, but not every car. You can look for the top tether points in the boot before you buy.

Recaro Tian Elite and GB Everna Fix are also some that got a decent score, but I think they're just not quite as nice as the Britax.

The Evolva is the best rated seatbelt fit one (if you exclude impact shield options, which TBH I would for a 3.5 year old) but it's quite a step down from the isofix + top tether options - 2.7 for safety. Although there is an isofix version of the Evolva, it is not truly isofix and just uses the hooks for stability. That version has slightly better side impact protection.

The scores I'm talking about are from ADAC who inform Which? - the possible score goes from 0.5 - 5.5 and lower numbers are better. Forward facing seats with 5 point harness tend to score between 2-4. (Rear facing seats typically get scores between 1-2). Ideally I would stick to seats with scores between 2-3, again, lower number is better. As you say she is small and light, I would not bother with the 25kg harness seats, as these tend to score worse in FF, so are only worth it if you need the extra weight or height capacity.

If money is no object, you could look at the new Cybex seat with airbags, the Cybex Anoris T which is eye wateringly expensive but can be used a bit longer than most Group 1 seats (115cm/21kg) - but this does have the impact shield which can be a bit controversial. While I wouldn't want to use a pure impact shield seat for a child of this age unless a last resort, the airbag one might be worth considering as it does look like it supports the neck well in the crash test video. It doesn't transform into a booster seat, so won't last as long as a 123 seat, and although the crash test rating is impressive, bear in mind that it uses an impact shield as a base function so they tend to score better in the first place - it's not directly comparable to a 5 point harness because those tests don't measure the abdominal forces placed by the impact shield nor the higher chance of ejection.

In general though I would be (am! My 4yo is FF too and has been for a while) happy with the safety of a 5 point harness in a decent branded seat FF a 3.5 year old - don't feel guilty if you can't/don't want to spend the money on the fancy airbag seat!

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