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Spinning car seat choice

15 replies

Willbe2under2 · 07/09/2022 19:17

DD has just turned 1 so I'm looking at her next stage car seat. We're definitely going for a spinning one, and one that she can rear face until 4. The options I've found are the joie spin 360, joie ispin 360 and the cybex sirona s2 but I just can't see which one is the safest and most easy to use? Any advice wise mumsnetters?

OP posts:
Sparklythings1 · 07/09/2022 19:20

A vote for the cybex! Only thing is the cost.. you need the base z which is over £200 I think then the seat itself is the same again. From memory I think it does them up to 105cm and my little boy is tall so I’m not sure if this will do him long enough but we plan to have another baby so maybe it will work out if we switch it into his seat or something and get a bigger one. I do love it for all I’m pointing out the negatives. I loved the first stage one even more when he was tiny as it could lie flat and was so worth the money.

Soontobe60 · 07/09/2022 19:20

I have the Joie spin 360 and find it excellent. You need to check if it will actually fir your car though. A quick Google check will sort that. The passenger seat in front of it has to be as far forward as it can go though, so my DH struggles to fit in the passenger seat when it’s in use!

PutOnAHappyFace · 07/09/2022 19:29

We have the Joie 360 spin. DD is quite small so she was stuck in between stages for the inserts for a while and I don't think very comfortable but now it's great. The spinning is a game changing, don't know how I ever coped before with my other DCs.

Willbe2under2 · 07/09/2022 19:43

Thanks all. Good point about the passenger seat, my husband is quite tall so that might be an issue!

OP posts:
shouldbesleepingnotscrolling · 07/09/2022 19:49

Have you looked at the Nuna ones? Can’t remember the model name but I loved ours, lasted both kids and rear faced until 4

ISeeTheLight · 07/09/2022 19:53

We had the cybex sirona. Was a great seat, easy to use and sturdy. Lasted DD until 4.5.
I would definitely recommend to go to a shop that tries them in your car. We originally wanted a besafe one but that left us with absolutely no legroom for the front the passenger seat.

Shmithecat2 · 07/09/2022 19:55

The safest spin seat is the Joie i-Spin Safe - it's Plus Tested, and also scored well with ADAC. All the seats mentioned are weight based though. Whether they last until your dd is 4 is down to her weight centiles. How many months is she now and what does she weigh?

IceStationZebra · 07/09/2022 19:57

Big fan of the Joie 360 - DS has been in it since birth, is still rear facing at 2.5 despite being quite tall, and the cover is removable and washes in the machine if there’s a car sickness incident.

Blixem · 07/09/2022 20:00

I had the joie 360 and the Joie I spin. Both are good but the ispin is better. It goes up to 19kg rather than the 18kg of the 360. The buttons to make it spin are on either side too. The strap that goes between the legs is sprung forward so it doesn't get stuck under the child.

Blixem · 07/09/2022 20:02

DD is nearly 3 and on the 91st centile and is still very happy rear facing.

Willbe2under2 · 07/09/2022 20:02

@Shmithecat2 she's 12 1/2 months now. No idea how much she weighs (she won't sit still on the scales!) but she's in the 75th percentile. I thought the i-size seats were height based rather than weight?

I've looked at the dimensions compared with the igemm2 which she's currently in and they don't seem that different so hoping that shouldn't be a problem 🤞

OP posts:
YorkshireIndie · 07/09/2022 20:03

We have the britax one and found it really good

tumtitum · 07/09/2022 20:28

We have the 360. It is bulky, my husband struggles in the passenger seat even after we got a bigger car and he is only average height, not tall! My biggest bug bear though is that after a sick or wee accident it is impossible to get the smell out of the base Envy we have power hosed it down and everything but my car still stinks 😭 DD2 is just about to go up a car seat and I can't wait!!!

MyboyTwister · 07/09/2022 21:05

Willbe2under2 · 07/09/2022 20:02

@Shmithecat2 she's 12 1/2 months now. No idea how much she weighs (she won't sit still on the scales!) but she's in the 75th percentile. I thought the i-size seats were height based rather than weight?

I've looked at the dimensions compared with the igemm2 which she's currently in and they don't seem that different so hoping that shouldn't be a problem 🤞

No, they still all have a weight limit too. For example, the Cybex Sirona Z i-size - it does indeed have a height limit of 105cm, but it also has a weight limit of 18kg, so you would need to stop using it when your dd hits that weight, whether she's reached 105cm or not.

Spinning car seat choice
BertieBotts · 09/09/2022 16:24

They're all pretty good options and much of a muchness really! You may also want to look at Britax Dualfix, Besafe izi Turn, Nuna Rebl, Recaro Salia and Maxi Cosi Mica. I think my favourite for ease of use is the Britax i-size. I was not a fan of how you spin the Cybex one - you have to push the whole seat up, which is fine with a 10kg 1yo, but would be tricky with a 16kg 4yo. I also found because of that mechanism it tends to slip and move very suddenly, which I think would wake the child up if they are napping. Personally we have the Joie 360 Spin, been using it 3 years (now on the second child) and I am very happy with it. It is worth comparing with the others, because when in direct comparison with them, the Joie does feel noticeably "cheaper" - which it is - so I think that's OK but some people might prefer to pay more for a different model.

If you are on a budget, GracoTurn2Me is worth looking at as it is the same model as the original Joie 360 under the covers.

The only thing I'd say to avoid is any that transform into a booster seat as well. For some reason, adding that on tends to reduce the safety performance - I think because they end up doing too many "jobs" and it weakens it overall.

Other than that yes, get a test fit in the car to check front seat space (the Joie ones are the most compact) and test them out in the shop to see which DD looks comfy in and which are easy to use, spin, recline, harness etc. Well worth doing. If you have an independent baby shop near you, all the better. Google any baby stuff brand and look at their stockist list, then see if you notice any that aren't chains. I tend to find they pay more heed to the brand trainers and are more interested so take the information on board. Whereas your average car enthusiast or Saturday teen in Halfords might have no interest in child seats.

Then one more point about it lasting until 4 - check your DD's projected weight and height at age 4 based on her centile line(s) in her red book. The spinning seats tend to be suitable until approx 18kg and 105cm, with a few minor differences between them - some have a slightly larger weight capacity, and some pre-i-size seats have no height limit, which means you can use until their eyes are level with the top of the shell. Joie 360 Spin and Britax Dualfix (original) are the only ones left on the market now, out of those two the Joie has the taller shell.

If you're worried about her outgrowing it before age 4 based on these numbers, you might want to look at the ERF up to 25kg/125cm seats - Axkid Minikid, Britax Max Way etc. These can be even easier to use than the spin seats, and they last much longer.

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