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Graco Turn2Me Car Seat

7 replies

LillyL122 · 26/09/2021 02:44

Hi all,

I've been looking into car seats and I would like a swivel one, I originally wanted the Joie spin 360 or iSpin but then I found this one which I think is quite new as I can't seem to find many review on it?

I like that it's forward facing up to 18kg and the price is not bad at £150.

Does anyone have any further information in terms of safety etc, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks

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LillyL122 · 26/09/2021 02:46

Doh, I meant rear facing, not forward! Excuse me, it's late, or should I say, early!

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Anna9433 · 26/09/2021 10:59

We have just purchased this as a second car seat for my partners car as it’s identical to the joie spin 360 that we already have but cheaper, not to be mistaken for the I-spin 360 which is I-size (I think this is a higher level safety testing) someone else might know more about this though! ☺️

LillyL122 · 26/09/2021 14:50

Thanks for your response. I actually thought that was the case!

But now I have another problem, I have a tall baby and I don't think she would stay in the swivel seats for very long so I'm thinking whether it would be worth getting an ERF up to 25kg instead 🤔 this car seat thing is a minefield! 😣 I'm pretty sure my LO who is 6.5 month has already out grown her infant carrier so I need a new one ASAP!

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Anna9433 · 26/09/2021 15:59

The isofix legs do extend a little in case it’s too close to your car seat but we also have an Axkid Minikid which is ERF and you can position it further back for more leg room as they get older, my pretty long 9 month old does still fit well in the isofix seats though, he just seems to bend his knees a little! They probably won’t last us until he’s 3/4 rear facing but I’m fairly certain he will out grow it in weight first as he’s a big boy!

LillyL122 · 26/09/2021 16:20

The Axkid Minikid was my next option, although the jump from £150 to £360 is a bummer, but it will last for many more years and it will be safer for my LO. Also, I have a 2011 Nissan Micra so it needs to fit in there with enough footspace for the front passenger 🙈

I wonder if there are any other options, I think my choices are limited though as my LO is so tall for her age bless her.

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BertieBotts · 28/09/2021 07:23

Joie bought Graco last year and yes the Turn2me is the Joie 360 with cheaper fabrics on it.

It is the longest lasting spin seat by height and tends to last until around 110cm rather than the more typical 105cm.

There are cheaper seats with the capacity of the Minikid. Cheapest at the moment is Britax MaxWay which is £215, I think?

But if she's only 6 months old she won't be able to go in these seats yet as she's unlikely to be sitting well enough.

In what way has she outgrown the infant carrier?

  • Legs over the end? Not a problem, keep her in it, we look at head not legs.

  • Straps too tight? No coats in the car seat.Read manual to check how to adjust them.

  • Seat too snug? Check for newborn inserts to remove, no coats/third party footmuffs in the car seat, actually a bit of snugness is good - prevents them rattling around in there.

  • Carrier has a 75cm limit and she's that tall? Yes it's outgrown. You're in an unfortunate limbo because she'll be too young for a 25kg RF seat, but she'll need one long term to accommodate her height.

If you think you'll have another baby, you can always get the Graco now and upgrade to the Minikid/Max Way when the new baby needs the seat.
LillyL122 · 28/09/2021 23:02

Hi @BertieBotts, thanks for your reply.

My LO is about 72cm, the manual for my carrier says to stop using if over 74cm in height or if the top of their head is less than 2cm from the top of the shell, which it looks to be that case.

I thought the Minikid is suitable from birth? I really want a swivel one though, would it be a waste to get one and then go onto the Minikid? We are planning on having another baby eventually.

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