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Eurocamp France - which park / site?

36 replies

TheUpsideDown · 01/01/2017 18:43

Has anyone here done Eurocamp any where in France? Can you recommend a park / site? Why would you recommend it?

Any sites or parks to avoid?


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Holliewantstobehot · 02/01/2017 22:04

We've been to carantec and dol de Bretagne in Brittany. I would recommend dol de Bretagne - lovely park with several swimming pools, a great park and activities like climbing wall and pony riding. Also the village is lovely and we did days out in Dinan and St Malo. Wish I could afford to go again, the kids still talk about their french holidays even though we went a few years ago.

Ledkr · 02/01/2017 23:34

If you are going south I'd say get a more expensive ferry to get you closer. You save money on tolls and fuel.
We go every year for 3 weeks to the vendee and have always had lovejy weather so don't bother with south.
Our favourite one last year was LaYole and also l ocean in jard sur mer

TheUpsideDown · 03/01/2017 12:10

Unfortunately we can't do Duinrell in Holland as we purchased a Groupon voucher that is only redeemable for France locations. My SIL has been to Duinrell too and says it was fab. But unfortunately it was still out of our budget to book Holland and with Eurocamp directly, hence the reason we bought the Groupon voucher for £149.

We know we're not going to get luxury, especially on a Groupon voucher - we're probably going to be allocated the worst caravan on the park! But having only been previously able to afford the occasional weekend camping in an English field in the middle of nowhere, using eco toilets, and making our own fun, we're not too fussed about luxury anyhow. As long as there's plenty to do we're happy.

We do love natural surroundings and beautiful scenery. I like the sound of lakes and national parks to cycle around. Starting to reconsider doing the south now, hmmm

Will research the Vendee some more

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HeyMacWey · 03/01/2017 12:16

The vendee is lovely - I had a brief look at the list of sites on the groupon deal and we've stayed at clary-plage which was a nice site, la yole is next to it.

St Jean de monts is a car drive away, but lots of nice french markets to visit etc.

The vendee is pretty flat, so not rolling scenery. But it has a good network of cycle paths. Lovely wide open beaches though.
You can drive it in one go from Calais, even quicker if you get the ferry from Portsmouth.

GraceGrape · 03/01/2017 12:16

I don't know much about Eurocamp sites but if you want beautiful scenery, don't choose the vendee. It has great beaches but not much else. The loire valley sounds like it might be better and has the advantage of being a much easier drive from Calais.

Branleuse · 03/01/2017 12:16

we stayed at an amazing site next to a swimming lake (lac de chalain) in the jura a few years ago. Most people head down th west coast and forget about eastern france, but youve got the scenery of switzerland and the foothills of the alps on your doorstep if you cross over northern france and head south east a bit, and the weather should be fine in june

Branleuse · 03/01/2017 12:19

seriously, dont bother doing the south for a week unless you fly.

dingit · 03/01/2017 12:54

Another vote for lac de chalain, beautiful, and you can get there in a long days drive.

Op don't forget to add up your tolls, they can work out quite expensive. You also need to buy bits for you car to comply with French laws, off top of my head, warning triangle, high vis jacket, and breathalyser, plus headlight adjusters.

TheUpsideDown · 05/01/2017 16:30

Thanks peeps, you've all been exceptionally helpful.

I've done a lot of research over the last couple of days and we have decided on, and booked, Lac de Chalain Grin Thank you for this suggestion. It looks perfect for want we want from the holiday. We were lucky as its the only Eastern France location offered on the Groupon voucher.

So excited now!

Now I have to start looking into the ferry, petrol and toll costs, spending money and ensuring we have all the car essentials to comply with French driving laws (thanks for the heads-up dingit, I wasn't aware of that).

OP posts:
Branleuse · 05/01/2017 17:08

you can buy a french driving pack on amazon for about £20 to put in the back of the car

minxthemanx · 06/01/2017 18:50

Le bois de valmarie, South of France (languedoc). Not far from Spanish border, Pyrenees behind you, beach in front. Stunning, unspoilt and a lovely site; great for younger kids. Fly ryan air to perpignan, no more expensive than driving all that way.

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