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Eurocamp France - which park / site?

36 replies

TheUpsideDown · 01/01/2017 18:43

Has anyone here done Eurocamp any where in France? Can you recommend a park / site? Why would you recommend it?

Any sites or parks to avoid?


OP posts:
SmellySphinx · 01/01/2017 18:47

Keeping my eye on this one! I presume you saw the recent adverts too? Grin The reviews on the net are hit and miss :/

TheUpsideDown · 01/01/2017 19:05

I noticed not so long ago a Groupon deal for Eurocamp at a ton of their sites in France for £149 for a week any time between April - end of June. And then noticed the ads too.

SIL has been on various Eurocamp hols with her family and has always enjoyed them. So today DH and I decided to buy the Groupon. But now we have 7 days to decide which park / site we want to book, but having never been to France or a Eurocamp hol at all we don't know where to book! There's so many Eurocamp destinations in France to choose from and research...

I'm hoping someone here can say "such-and-such a site is great because..." and then I'll kind of base my researching and reviewing from there.

We haven't been on holiday for 7 years due to tight finances, so I would like to ensure we enjoy our trip Smile

OP posts:
profpoopsnagle · 01/01/2017 20:06

I would start with how you are getting there- which arrival port? Then look at how long you want to drive for and see if that narrows it down a bit.

Are you going to stay on site and use the facilities, or do you want to use it as a base to explore the area?

dingit · 01/01/2017 20:23

We've done many, and they've all been great. From memory we've done the vendee, languedoc, Loire, Jura, dordogne brittany, Paris, and I've probably forgotten some.

TheUpsideDown · 02/01/2017 17:31

We'll probably drive, and get there via ferry from Dover to Calais. We both like the idea of the southern coastal areas but obviously that's going to have to include many hours of driving both there and back

OP posts:
Branleuse · 02/01/2017 17:35

ive been to 4 or 5 , but depends what area youre looking at, or what you like.

Branleuse · 02/01/2017 17:38

do you prefer mountains, beaches, rivers, lakes, or not bothered?
Id suggest going through the actual eurocamp site and reading reviews too

Branleuse · 02/01/2017 17:44

also do you want to mainly stay on site and have tonnes of facilities on site, or will you want to use it as a base, so want lots to do in the local area

PolarEspresso · 02/01/2017 17:46

We stayed at one in the Vendee called Les Ecureils. Lovely site, fairly small and quiet but next to a sandy beach and a supermarket. There was a shop, bar and restaurant on site and a playground, softplay and swimming pool. Kids club where you could leave over 4s for 2 hours in the morning and afternoon and one evening a week and activities for toddlers. We went in May half term and it did still get chilly at night and although warm, not warm enough to use the unheated pool (though lots of people did).

I want to go again this year though further south for more heat.

majormoo · 02/01/2017 17:52

We have done quite a few Eurocamp (or similar companies) over the years. We have always enjoyed our holidays. It depends what you want. We enjoyed a small site inland at Languedoc this summer but were travelling on to Spain for the beach. We had a great holiday in Vendee although not sure about the weather in April/May. Some facilities will not be open off peak season so you may want to consider that when looking. Ours have never bothered with kids clubs and we tend to cook for ourselves so that isn't something that would bother us, but it may be different for you

TheUpsideDown · 02/01/2017 19:10

We'll be looking to book for around the last week in June so we can look forward to fairly decent weather. And we have both agreed that the South of France is probably going to be best for good weather.

The thing is we're very easily pleased as long as we can be kept occupied. We love beaches, rivers and lakes. Walking, cycling and exploring. Theme parks and water parks. As long as we can keep our 4.5 yr old son entertained we're pretty easy.

We'd like to divide our time between staying on site for a 2-3 days as well as going off site and doing things in the area. So it doesn't have to be the biggest parc, but enough to occupy us for a couple of days, with plenty to do in the local area. And even though we'll have our car, we don't want to spend an awful lot of time driving.

I've been checking reviews on TripAdvisor, revoo and on Eurocamp website, but finding it all a bit overwhelming. As it's been such a long time since we went on holiday, and this will be our sons first proper holiday I'm keen to make sure we don't regret it, lol

OP posts:
dingit · 02/01/2017 19:28

South is an awfully long way for a week. How about the Loire? Also look at Duinrell in holland, your ds would love it there, you wouldn't run out of things to do, you stay in middle of theme park, great pool, beach nearby, nice town, Amsterdam nearby.

AngelsWithSilverWings · 02/01/2017 19:36

We have done quite a few Eurocamp holidays but only one in the South.

Holiday Marina in Port Grimaud was a lovely clean site with a great pool area and was a great base from which to explore the area. We visited Monaco, Nice and Saint Tropez from there. The downside of the site was the long walk to the beach which involved crossing a pretty scary busy road. We had a fab holiday though. If driving down to the South I recommend overnighting in Beaun as it's a beautiful town. We stayed in an Ibis Styles which was really central and has a secure underground car park.

Chateaux Marais in The Loire Valley was great too. Great area for hiring bikes and exploring. Nice pool area and lots of open space for the kids. We cycled to Chambord and drove to Blois and Chenonceaux. Lovely relaxed holiday but not a beach holiday.

Finally if you don't want to drive too far Normandy has a site called Cote du Nacre. A few minutes walk from the Normandy beaches. Nice site with great children's play area and indoor and outdoor pool. Great for exploring the D Day beaches and museums. Also close enough to visit Honfleur , Mont St Michel and Bayern.

We've always had a great time on our Eurocamp holidays. They are not exactly luxury but are great value , especially outside of the school holidays or if you get a late deal.

AngelsWithSilverWings · 02/01/2017 19:38

Just thought I'd add that we did the Loire Valley in May and the weather was lovely and hot apart from one day of rain. We've also done the Vendee in June and it was unbelievably hot! We regretted not opting for air conditioning.

Zebee · 02/01/2017 19:50

We have found booking with Brittany ferries, to a number of sites in Brittany and Vendee, to be quite a lot cheaper and often some of the sites are ones eurocamp use too.

wannabestressfree · 02/01/2017 19:58

We have done the one 'Near' Paris and we went to parc asterix. Was still a longish drive for me.... am a single parent with three boys but they loved it. Will see if I can find the name.

dingit · 02/01/2017 20:00

Berny Rivere? (Sp)

dingit · 02/01/2017 20:02
AngelsWithSilverWings · 02/01/2017 20:21

Duinrell in Holland definitely worth looking at. We've been twice and it's absolutely fantastic. Our kids love it there. Lots to do but so chilled out.Book a day cabin on the Ferry to the Hook of Holland and have the most relaxing journey possible!

fabulous01 · 02/01/2017 20:29


Branleuse · 02/01/2017 20:38

weve done a park in the languedoc - but it took us two days to drive down, and we stayed a fortnight. I think for a week, dont go any further than about the dordogne. Youll usually have good weather in june round there.

Check the eurocamp site for which parks will have kids clubs open if you think you might want to use them. Theyre usually very good.

wannabestressfree · 02/01/2017 21:43

Yes ding it :) brilliant site!!!

Sometimespostingalwayslurking · 02/01/2017 21:55

Can highly recommend La Garangeoire in Vendee, about 12 km from the coast. It is situated in a huge estate


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Sometimespostingalwayslurking · 02/01/2017 21:57

Sorry posted too soon. Huge estate with woods and fields and a fishing lake. Loads of stuff to do, swimming pools, kids club, football, cycling, quite a bit of family evening entertainment, tennis, horse riding. It felt very safe, our 6 year old DS made friends instantly and cycled around the site with them. Barely left the site as there was so much to do.

Tigresswoods · 02/01/2017 22:01

We've done eurocanp for 3 years & loved it. However I'm sorry to say that last summer was the last straw. There is never not a crying child in earshot & if you get a pitch on a main drag there's noise from dawn to dusk

That said we're now struggling to find somewhere decent & financially appealing to stay!

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