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Last minute recommendations camping in Ireland/Northern Ireland.

4 replies

TheRealMBJ · 18/06/2015 21:20

Weather looks to be ok this weekend and we will not be living in Ireland much longer so we thought we'd camp this weekend.

we have a 5m bell

Any recommendations for nice quite campsites, preferably with no or few caravan pitches (campfires allowed), towards the middle of the island (Counties Down, Louth, Antrim, Monagahan, Leitrim, Roscommon, Longford, Meath etc)

OP posts:
JinglyJanglyJungleBigGameTours · 18/06/2015 21:23

There's a campsite by Bloody Bridge near Newcastle Co. Down that I've heard is good and allows you to have campfires. Never been to it myself though, just heard about it from friends!

TheRealMBJ · 18/06/2015 21:26

Thanks Jingly we actually live in Newcastle, but I've never heard of the campsite.

Will investigate.

OP posts:
ademanlu · 19/06/2015 16:01

Crom in Fermanagh - its like going to the end of the earth as you have to drive to the end of the road to get there keep going and you will be in Lough Erne - it is a tent only site which is why we love it so much - there is a communal fire pit area as well. Might be a bit far as it will take you about 2 hours driving from Newcastle though (I am from Newcastle originally but currently live in Coleraine).

FrozenAteMyDaughter · 19/06/2015 19:15

I came on to say about the Bloody Bridge site. It is great and has a communal fireplace. Maybe too close to home though:

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