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Baby gyms....good development or waste of money...

33 replies

BefSnork · 09/07/2007 21:26

and if worth it, which one? Bub is 2 months old...what is your advice please?

OP posts:
oooggs · 09/07/2007 21:26

waste of money with ds1 but dts love them

six of one half a dozen of the other

BefSnork · 09/07/2007 21:39

how long can you use them for? until they start doing press ups? lol

OP posts:
nickytwotimes · 09/07/2007 21:41

ds got one as a present and he loved it. kept him amused for long periods. he used his till 10 mo, then he got too strong. lol at press ups, btw.

Lostmykeys · 09/07/2007 21:41

I have had one for my 2 dc. They have both loved it. I know drape a throw over it and they play with it like a tent. It owes me nothing and has been a great source of entertainemnt for them. Buy one - but don't spend loads, they are all much of a muchness

catnip · 09/07/2007 21:42

DS loved it - bought me hours and hours of useful time. I think we started using it at 3 months and three months later he is losing interest, though when he can sit up properly on his own he might like it again. Ours was a hand me down - don't spend too much, the expensive ones don't seem very different

CarGirl · 09/07/2007 21:42

def worth getting a tiny love symphony type one (2nd hand fine) the one with a big mirror and buy the wind chimes to go on it all the babies who ever visited loved the chimes and the mirror. Good for sicky burbs too - easier than washing the carpet!

Kathyis6incheshigh · 09/07/2007 21:44

we have a Sesame Street one that is like a stiff plastic frame and dd used to use it as a walking frame when she was learning to walk.

NormaStanleyFletcher · 09/07/2007 21:44

I have a £5 one that I bought 8 years ago for DS2 and it has server really well for DD. TBH all the whistles and bells of the singing and dancing ones are pointless, she preferred the dead basic "let me bat these things above my head" one

AlbusPercivalWulfricBrianSun · 09/07/2007 21:45

DS loved his Baby Einstein one. Spent up to 10 mins under there which was great for me. He loved the music box in the middle of the stanchions.

Legacy · 09/07/2007 21:49

Waste of money new. Buy one on eBay or at an NCT sale.

singersgirl · 09/07/2007 21:52

The DSs loved their baby gym, and both would spend up to 30 mins playing on it from about 6 weeks or so (can't remember exactly now, as they are big boys, but know that it was worth its weight in gold). DS1 wanted everything twirling and whirling at once, and was all arms and legs; DS2 batted at one toy consistently for minutes.

morocco · 09/07/2007 21:54

try car boot or nct sale or borrow one off a friend?
they are great but only for a few months

mistlethrush · 09/07/2007 22:12

Tiny Love one (Noah's Ark type) fantastic - look for different lengths of toys that are easy to attach in different locations as you will then be abel to position appropriate toy in the best location and at th best height in the most appropriate location - the jangly octopus was the best at first as it offered a lot of area to bit and was very mobile. As he got bigger we moved it to more out-of-the way locations to make it more difficult to reach.

It was definitely worth getting - hours of enjoyment (in chunks of a few minutes at a time).

Jojay · 09/07/2007 22:16

Loved it. Life saver for the first few months, then ds got a bit bored, but still goes back to it occasionally.

BonyM · 09/07/2007 22:19

They are fantastic - one of the best things we bought for dd2. She went under it from day one almost and started tracking things on it with her eyes really early and trying to hit them with her hands.

I have the Tiny Love musical one in excellent condition if you're interested - haven't got round to sticking in on Ebay yet.

BefSnork · 09/07/2007 22:48

wow - sounds like they are worth getting for the first six months... Bony - which one is it and how much are you looking for?

OP posts:
SlightlyMadSpider · 09/07/2007 22:50

The stand alone 'bridge' style ones are much better than the arches attached to a play mat as they are much more versatile.

Try and get something with toys low down at the sides for a younger baby and added value

SlightlyMadSpider · 09/07/2007 22:56

I would highly recommend this one

It is identical style - just dieffernt theme to the one we had. I brought it 6yrs ago for DTDs and the parents from DD3s antenatal group were very envious of it as they felt it offered much more than their arch stylke ones.

The side panels (which iyou can't see well in photo) crinkle - baby kicks or scrunches wth hands. Some of the cubes also crinkle - then there are 3 hanging toys which are fully height adjustable to bat. The oys can also be hung from other things ig you want.

DoubleBluff · 09/07/2007 23:11

Would agrre with spide I had the exact same one was really good, and came apart so could take anywhere.
And was not exppensive.

NormaStanleyFletcher · 09/07/2007 23:18

Oh and DD was under hers from really really early on - a couple of weeks old. She liked it even when she was v tiny

sweetkitty · 09/07/2007 23:20

I think they are good things. Agree though don't spend a loads of cash on one they become pretty useless after 6 months or so. Argos do a great plastic one that dangles down musical toys etc and it's about £12 I think (would do a link but too tired).

BonyM · 10/07/2007 08:04

Bef - it is one like this except we don't have the windchimes (I think you have to buy those separately).

I was thinking of £22 to include postage? They are about £45 to buy new I think.

CarGirl · 10/07/2007 08:57

I have to say I had the mat onelike BonyM has shown and a bridge one - they all used both, the bridge one was fab for when they are in a bouncy cradle seat thing and i could attach different toys to it for variety. Mine used the mat one from birth and up until they were crawling (about 10 months) like I say young babies absolutely adore mirrors and the wind chimes are worth getting too.


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EscapeFrom · 10/07/2007 09:04

Borrow one! Once they can roll they totally lose interest

carocaro · 10/07/2007 11:10

yes, worth every penny, DS2 6 months still loves it, and you get chance to do stuff whilst they are occupied, like have a poo!

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