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Opinions on Zara?

34 replies

swansonerica211 · 17/02/2024 22:27

I’m due my first baby in May and currently our favourite is Zara? Only thing that concerns me slightly is the shop association but I don’t think that will matter really.

Also, does anyone have any middle name suggestions? We’re leaning towards Zara Felicity but not 100%

The other name we like is Aurora but starting to feel that it might be too popular now as I have been seeing it a lot.

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Which name

50 votes. Final results.

SkaneTos · 17/02/2024 22:29

Zara is a beautiful name!
Zara Felicity sounds great.

Aurora is a very pretty name, too.

MummyDummyNow · 17/02/2024 22:34

Beautiful name.

There are several Auroras at my DCs school but only 1 Zara.

Georgie743 · 17/02/2024 22:35

Zara is lovely!
Aurora is a Disney princess and a mouthful to say.

Gowlett · 17/02/2024 22:36

Zara. Aurora, no.

DodgeDog · 17/02/2024 22:36

Love it

HeddaGarbled · 17/02/2024 22:37

Yes, I like Zara and Zara Felicity.

Onelife2024 · 17/02/2024 22:51

I really like Zara! Not keen on Aurora because of the Disney princess link.

Zara Felicity is great. Other ideas-

Zara Penelope
Zara Victoria
Zara Lucia (Lu SEE a)
Zara Sofia
Zara Juliet

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TotalDramarama24 · 17/02/2024 22:52

I love Zara, it's one of my favourite names ever. Not keen on Aurora but like Felicity.

NewName24 · 17/02/2024 22:56

Zara is lovely

I don't like Aurora

hamsterswhiskers · 17/02/2024 23:15

Zara Felicity is lovely!!

WeAreWarriorsWeAreWarriors · 17/02/2024 23:51

Zara Felicity is beautiful. Less keen on Aurora by a long way.

theduchessofspork · 18/02/2024 08:34

Zara Felicity is a lovely combination

Zara is quite nice and quite popular - I guess Tara is a more unusual alternative

I am not mad on Aurora, but Allegra, Adela or Alicia might be alternatives

Toblerbone · 18/02/2024 08:34

I really like Zara. Aurora is nice too but I prefer Zara.

marshmallowfinder · 18/02/2024 08:40

Zara is lovely. Aurora is awful. Like wor wor wah.

KirstenBlest · 18/02/2024 10:28

Zara is OK but I know a few of them. Prefer Sara or Zoe.
Felicity as a middle name is nice.

Aurora - just No. Awful.

Nicebloomers · 18/02/2024 10:31

Felicity Zara is delightful

user1492757084 · 18/02/2024 10:31

Zara for sure.

Zara Alison
Zara Louisa
Zara Alize
Zara Ellinor
Zara Elizabeth

Moier · 18/02/2024 10:41

I met a lovely young lady while we were both in beds next to each other in hospital ( she was early 30s) and called Zara.. we still whatsapp now and again.
It's a beautiful name.
She is stunning too..

EMBRACETHEUNKNOWN · 18/02/2024 10:59

Zara. I've a beautiful Arab friend called Zahra so I like that spelling too.

inneedofaglowup · 18/02/2024 11:00

Zara Sophia.

tulipsunday · 18/02/2024 11:01

Zara is pretty - good choice OP

Wéigeetet · 18/02/2024 11:09


Wéigeetet · 18/02/2024 11:12

EMBRACETHEUNKNOWN · 18/02/2024 10:59

Zara. I've a beautiful Arab friend called Zahra so I like that spelling too.

I think it's a blend of different cultures though it has a distinctly Persian vibe to it. Very beautiful name.

SparkyBlue · 18/02/2024 11:16

Zara is beautiful. I'd consider it a timeless classic. Aurora is also really lovely but the only one I know is called after her Spanish great grandmother who came to London as a refugee during the civil war rather than the Disney princess so she has a story behind her name if that makes sense.

Flopsy145 · 18/02/2024 16:02

I might be biased as I have a Zara but I think it's timeless, works for all ages. Aurora might work for a young girl but will it work for a 50 year old woman? My Zara is also the only one I've ever met!

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