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39 replies

Poppins2016 · 21/01/2024 19:07

I'm interested on thoughts/first reactions, please?

...the name is a serious contender for our baby girl.

Alternative would be Rose, but I think our preference is Rosa, with options of nicknames Rose or Rosie.

Sibling names are what I would describe as simple English classics similar to Charlie or Benjamin.

OP posts:
Aglassaday · 21/01/2024 19:08

Absolutely love Rosa and think it’s better than the alternatives.
Congrats OP!

Seadreamers · 21/01/2024 19:29

I really like Rosa, and I know a girl called it. I think it feels a bit more modern than Rose too.

NonComplainingDay · 21/01/2024 19:29

It's a beautiful name.

CharlesChickens · 21/01/2024 19:30

I love it. The baby in the next bed when I gave birth to dd, was called Rosa. So beautiful.

Workawayxx · 21/01/2024 19:30

Love the name Rosa 😍

MillicentTheMagnificent · 21/01/2024 19:33

I like it, but I think I prefer Rose. Both lovely though

DemelzaRobins · 21/01/2024 19:56

I really like Rosa, lovely name.

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username268 · 21/01/2024 20:04

Love it. Rosa has a great history too. Would use it myself but its my best friends name :)

MarshaMarshaMarshmellow · 21/01/2024 20:05

I prefer Rose - Rosa makes me think of an older lady - but it's fine.

EffieGraysDisappointingWeddingNight · 21/01/2024 20:09

Someone said to me that the housekeeper/maid in American movies is always a Rosa and since she said that I always notice it!

It's a nice enough name. Seems quite trendy at the moment. I prefer Rose.

CharlotteMakepeace · 21/01/2024 20:10

I immediately think of Rosa Klebb.

Rose is nicer.

BeingATwatItsABingThing · 21/01/2024 20:10

I like Rosa. Much nicer than Rose or Rosie.

NachosAndCheese · 21/01/2024 20:12

It’s not a name I like particularly but it’s fairly common now, and I know a couple of Rosa’s. I agree it’s quite trendy at the minute.

SallyWD · 21/01/2024 20:18

Beautiful, I love it!

Pemba · 21/01/2024 20:21

Lovely name, and a bit more unusual than Rose, which has been overused in recent years (although usually as a middle name).

DramaAlpaca · 21/01/2024 20:22

Gorgeous name

zeddip · 21/01/2024 20:39

My first was almost a Rosa. I LOVE it!

Onelife2024 · 21/01/2024 20:40

Love it! Beautiful, simple, pretty.

TheCave · 21/01/2024 21:14

I love it! My daughter has it as a middle name. We love Rosa from Brooklyn 99. I think it's really beautiful but a little spikier and more interesting than Rose. Didn't go for it as a first name as I like names with an "ie" sound at the end and I'm not a massive fan of Rosie.

peaceinourtime · 22/01/2024 17:09

I like the name Rosa. She will probably become a Rosie though if that bothers you. I know of a Rosa who I know of who goes by Betty.

RosaSkyes · 22/01/2024 18:35

As you can tell from my username, big fan! It is one of my dd’s middle names actually. I adore it as a first name too.

Poppins2016 · 22/01/2024 19:51

Thanks all. Food for thought!

She will certainly be known as Rosie (already is, even though I'm only 28 weeks pregnant).

However, I don't want her to be stuck with just Rosie/I'd like a more grown up version of the name for her birth certificate.

DH and I are weighing up Rose (beautiful, classic, but the thing that's holding us back is feeling that it's too popular/overused) vs Rosa (also beautiful, a little different and very pretty, I like the sound and the two syllables... but slightly less classic than sibling names and possibly more likely to date, which I'd like to avoid). Rosa is also less of a classic English name, which deviates from our existing sibling names, but I'm not sure how much that really matters...

I think I prefer the sound of Rosa and it's the option we're leaning towards.

OP posts:
ellesbellesxxx · 22/01/2024 19:54

This was on our shortlist for DD but it wasn’t right with our surname, I love it!

Busted2006 · 22/01/2024 21:58

We have one.

I love it, we get soany compliments on it. It was a toss up between Rose or Rosa but I preferred the extra syllable

I agree it's slightly less tradionally English but the name has such a rich history and great namesakes... think Rosa Parks... that swung it for me.

I often call her Rosie or even sometimes Rose

PearlSupernova · 22/01/2024 22:10

How about Rosalind? Nn Roz, Rose, Rosa and Rosie ☺️

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