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83 replies

Farmmum22 · 03/11/2023 22:44

What are everyone’s thoughts on Ruth? Is it due a comeback? It used to be so popular surely it is!

OP posts:
TheKnittedCharacter · 03/11/2023 22:45

A very ugly name, imo.

LolaCrapola · 03/11/2023 22:47

I think it’s a lovely name! And can be lengthened to Ruthie! Or shortened to Ru/Roo!

MaggieBsBoat · 03/11/2023 22:48

Gorgeous name. It’s a strong name too.

theduchessofspork · 03/11/2023 23:01

I think it’s the ugliest girl’s name - like a dog barking, so I hope not.

CrispsandCheeseSandwich · 03/11/2023 23:02

It's very unfair of me, but it always makes me think of the scene in friends when Rachel and Ross are talking about names for their baby.

Ross "how about Ruth?"
Rachel "I'm sorry, are we having an 89 year old?"

I also don't like the sound.

However, whatever name you suggest will have people who love it and people who don't. There's not much point canvassing opinion (I know I've still given mine, but only because you asked).

It has the benefit of being unusual but not unheard of or hard to spell. And is traditional but not overused.

TomatoSandwiches · 03/11/2023 23:03


Magicmagician · 03/11/2023 23:04

Love it, it’s taken in our family or I’d have used it for my dd! I like Ruthie as a diminutive too.

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Dacadactyl · 03/11/2023 23:04

I like it. Its a good strong Biblical name.

VerityUnreasonble · 03/11/2023 23:04

It's a lovely name and very classic. Never met a Ruth I didn't like.

It doesn't sound harsh to me though, I think of it as quite soft sounding.

OMGitsnotgood · 03/11/2023 23:05

I don't think it's ugly at all, it's a strong name, fitting for a little girl and an adult

SkaneTos · 03/11/2023 23:32

Ruth is a lovely and classic name!
It is one of my favourite names.

In my home country we usually spell it Rut, without the h, but anyway it's a great name!

larkstar · 03/11/2023 23:39


Fawbs89 · 03/11/2023 23:44

No I think its a terrible name!

theduchessofspork · 03/11/2023 23:46

SkaneTos · 03/11/2023 23:32

Ruth is a lovely and classic name!
It is one of my favourite names.

In my home country we usually spell it Rut, without the h, but anyway it's a great name!

That might be even worse..

ZinniaB · 03/11/2023 23:47

It’s so refreshing in the sea of Evas, Avas and Elsies. It’s easy to spell and pronounce, well-recognised, nice meaning, what’s not to like!

witchbitch22 · 03/11/2023 23:48

It's classic and different but I just can't bring myself to actually like the sound of it. It's sounds very harsh to me.

SirVixofVixHall · 03/11/2023 23:52

I love it, I know two, different ages but both adults, and they both have the qualities I associate with the name, intelligent, interesting, kind hearted.

Toddlerteaplease · 04/11/2023 00:06

Love it. It's my sisters name.

cocksstrideintheevening · 04/11/2023 00:15

It's ok unless you're is se London and are happy with 'roof'

Kitkat1523 · 04/11/2023 00:25

I like it….I work with 2 Ruth’s…they are both lovely

RoseMartha · 04/11/2023 00:34

Good name

Surely2023IsTheYearForMyRainbowBaby · 04/11/2023 00:45

Hate the name. Then again that might be because the ruth I knew turned out to be the biggest two faced bitch ever.

CanIPetThatDawg · 04/11/2023 00:56


Stresa22 · 04/11/2023 01:30

No! It’s truly ugly. The sound and look of it are awful.

Smallonesaremorejuicy · 04/11/2023 01:57

Love the name Ruth

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