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Rowan, Robin and River

16 replies

Nell12345 · 07/10/2023 09:38

Just for interest really - have seen quite a few threads about unisex names lately and lots of posters have commented that unisex names are sexist.

I see the argument for this for certain names that are very traditionally male/ female but what about nature unisex names, such as Rowan, Robin (as in the bird rather than as a nickname for Robert) and River? All used as full names rather than nicknames?

OP posts:
Kiswahili · 07/10/2023 09:52

They are definitely male names and not unisex.

Gowlett · 07/10/2023 09:56

I like Robin.

Sewaccidentprone · 07/10/2023 09:58

I know a female Rowan and female Robin.

who decides whether names are unisex or belong to a specific gender anyway?

McIntire · 07/10/2023 09:59

I knew a female Rowan who must be about 60 now.

Robin becomes Robyn for female

River is always male ime

In my job I come across 30 different children every week so have quite a grasp on names

theduchessofspork · 07/10/2023 11:34

Kiswahili · 07/10/2023 09:52

They are definitely male names and not unisex.

They are not

Rowan is has been used for girls for ages as a nature name. That’s not it’s origin but it’s why people use it now.

Robin has always been used as a shortform of Robert and Roberta and given it’s also a bird it passes.

River seemed to be male till very recently, but then it’s a very modern name so barely established.

TheChosenTwo · 07/10/2023 11:36

I have taught all 3 and all 3 were females!

PTSDBarbiegirl · 07/10/2023 11:47

Rowan and Robin are quite common where I live for girls, not boys.
River is a beautiful unisex name.

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pumpkinpink · 07/10/2023 19:05

I like Rowan and River, I'm not sure about Robin, when I think of Robin Hood, I like it. When I think of the teeny little bird I'm not so sure it's a name for a man, it's certainly not a bad name though.

coolkatt · 07/10/2023 21:26

River is my girl cats name, i picked it specifically for a girl and if i had had a child it would have been her name too, but not toooo keen on it for a boy which is ironic as i only heard of it as a name from male celeb.

Ilikeyourdecor · 07/10/2023 22:01

I only see Robin as unisex. The others, I'd expect to meet a boy.

Daisybuttercup12345 · 09/10/2023 00:33

Boys names to me.
Robyn for a girl.

IVFbeenverylucky · 09/10/2023 07:32

My DS is Robin. Historically it is just a shortened form of Robert, but so many names have developed in different ways, I just don't think that matters. It's not unique as having a same pronunciation/different spelling for m/f - think of Francis/es, which as a male name has a very long pedigree. I'm aware that more girls are called Robyn than boys Robin, although for me it feels male.
River is too new for stereotypes as pp says; I think of Rowan as female tho' never met one of either sex.
I don't understand the argument such names are sexist.

Daffodilwoman · 09/10/2023 17:24

I only see Robyn as a female name even then I see it as the female version of the male name Robin.
I would not like to be a girl and have any of those names.
Why is it seen as ok for a girl to have a unisex name but not ok for a boy?
As soon as a name becomes female, parents stop using it for boys.

HahahaBoomBoom · 09/10/2023 21:40

Rowan is popular for boys where I’m from, and very modern (aside from Rowan Atkinson). But where I now live it is really popular for girls across multiple generations. I only know one boy here called Rowan and his mum is from close to where I’m from.

Robin I always saw as a boys name. But I went to a school with several female Robyn’s and again my dd is in school with Robyn’s. I know one male Robin her age. I love it for a boy and would use it but I think folk my age now hear it as a girls name.

River was always a boys name to me growing up. River Song (Doctor Who) was the only girl I knew with the name and I didn’t think it suited her. But now I love it and it’s number #1 on my list for a girl. Where I am there’s more boys called River, back home there’s more girls.

HahahaBoomBoom · 09/10/2023 21:42

Also all of these names are on my list 😂

Pemba · 10/10/2023 06:12

Yes these are all genuinely unisex names, which is quite unusual

Rowan in recent years seems to have become more popular for boys, usually it's the other way around, with names going from male to female. One of DD's friends recently had a baby boy Rowan, my parents (80s) were a bit confused as they thought of it as a girl's name. There are female Rowans in fiction and films and a female cousin (born 1970s), has it as a middle name... They are all nice names.

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