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81 replies

Zoomer122 · 09/04/2023 13:33

Me and DP are looking at names for DC2. I recently found the boys name Eiffion and instantly fell in love, at first glance I thought the name was ‘eff-ion’ and after a further look thought it was ‘ee-fee-on’ but after a quick search I found out the origin of the name and it’s pronounced ‘avy-on’ or ‘ivy-on’ and i still love it but have fallen in love with ‘eff-ion’ especially with the nickname Effie. Me and DP are not Welsh and DS is named Florian but goes by Ori so we aren’t sure if it will sound right . I don’t want to give him a weird version of a traditional welsh name but at the same time I love eff-ion so much. Would it be weird to name him effion even though it’s not really a name or is there any variants that I��m not aware of.

OP posts:
Mumped · 09/04/2023 13:36

No idea about the Welsh word but just wanted to say that Effiong (wuth g at the end) is a fairly common Nigerian boys name. I work with one, and went to school with another!

TomatoSandwiches · 09/04/2023 13:41

What about Efan?

Viviennemary · 09/04/2023 14:00

Nobody will have a clue about pronnouncing it. I wouldn't. He will have a whole lifetime of puzzled looks. What's the point of that.

suzettenoisette · 09/04/2023 14:00

At first I read "effing". It is nice in theory but doesn't work for me.

I don't understand Effie's rising popularity either for that very same reason, but please don't call him "Effie" for short, I doubt a boy would appreciate this. Effie is as girly as Ellie or Emmie to me.

AndrexPuppy · 09/04/2023 14:05

I wouldn’t use a name that I didn’t know how to pronounce properly.

ElizaSkye · 09/04/2023 14:08

I think it’s really similar to Florian (which I love btw) , too similar for siblings if I’m honest.

call him Etti?


Bernadinetta · 09/04/2023 14:09

From the thread title I assumed it was a girl’s name. There’s a Welsh girl’s name Ffion.

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SpringIntoChaos · 09/04/2023 14:10

Not great to butcher a strong Welsh name by deliberately mis-pronouncing it 🤦‍♀️

True story here (which I've shared before in MN): my cousin named her daughter Sian after the Welsh glamour model Sian-Adey Jones (her husband was obsessed with the model, and my cousin just went along with this rather bizarre insistence on naming their daughter after her 🤷‍♀️)

Anyway...this was in the early 80s and well before we had the being very 'northern English' they had never actually heard this name spoken...just seen it written on Page 3 of The Sun 🤦‍♀️

Their daughter has gone through her entire life 'correcting' people's pronunciation of her her parents thought it was said like 'sigh-Ann'. Also, when she tells people her name, they write it Cyan (like the colour) as that's how she says it 🤷‍♀️

Please don't do this to your child!

Briallen · 09/04/2023 14:12

I’m welsh and have never come across Effion or Eiffion. Do you mean Eifion? the ff makes an f sound and the one f makes a v sound.

I think effion nickname Effie looks and sounds quite odd if I’m being honest. It’s a bit like eff off and Effie is also a girls name.

FatGirlSwim · 09/04/2023 14:23

The name is Eifion. Pronounced Ay-vee-on. An f in Welsh makes a v sound, but ff is pronounced as f in English. Eiffion isn’t a name, and doesn’t work in Welsh.

YfenniChristie · 09/04/2023 14:24

SpringIntoChaos · 09/04/2023 14:10

Not great to butcher a strong Welsh name by deliberately mis-pronouncing it 🤦‍♀️

True story here (which I've shared before in MN): my cousin named her daughter Sian after the Welsh glamour model Sian-Adey Jones (her husband was obsessed with the model, and my cousin just went along with this rather bizarre insistence on naming their daughter after her 🤷‍♀️)

Anyway...this was in the early 80s and well before we had the being very 'northern English' they had never actually heard this name spoken...just seen it written on Page 3 of The Sun 🤦‍♀️

Their daughter has gone through her entire life 'correcting' people's pronunciation of her her parents thought it was said like 'sigh-Ann'. Also, when she tells people her name, they write it Cyan (like the colour) as that's how she says it 🤷‍♀️

Please don't do this to your child!


Love the name Eifion. It's a great Welsh boys name. Don't butcher it. Chose a different name.

DacwMamYnDwad · 09/04/2023 14:24

Where did you find the name, @Zoomer122 ?
Eifion is a welsh name for a boy, but it's not been used much in the past 50 years.
It's pronounced AYV-yon

LlynTegid · 09/04/2023 14:26

No (is a complete sentence). Not a loving thing to do.

RitzyGlitzy · 09/04/2023 14:27

It's Eifion. F gives a V sound, the FF is a ffff sound.
All the ones I know are late 60's early 70's, it's probably equivalent to calling your child Pete, Roy or Clive.

HamSandwichKiller · 09/04/2023 14:28

As other posters have said the name is Eifion. Unless you're Welsh speaking please don't, virtually everyone will make a dogs dinner it.

RitzyGlitzy · 09/04/2023 14:29

Use Geoffrey and call him Effie if you like the eff sound.

scarecrow22 · 09/04/2023 14:31

No. Please.

DacwMamYnDwad · 09/04/2023 14:32

Sian Adey-Jones was a 'page 3 girl' and a Miss Wales in the 1970s

DacwMamYnDwad · 09/04/2023 14:34

It's definitely, AYV-yon, 2 syllables. The Ay sound is short.
One of the ones I know complains that people say it as Avian. Smile

Hafannedd123 · 09/04/2023 14:36

Its usually spelt Eifion and pronounced Ei Vi On (I am Welsh and live in Wales its a fairly common name here) x

DacwMamYnDwad · 09/04/2023 14:39

As I pp It is 2 syllables. If it was Ei-Vi-on, the stress would fall on the Vi/vee part, and it doesn't. cf. Ffion, Gwion etc.

MrsCarson · 09/04/2023 14:54

Pretty common name for older men around us (North west Wales) It's spelt Eifion (Avion emphasis on the A like in Able) 2 syllables I only know it as older men over 40 ish.

MoongazyHare · 09/04/2023 15:07

Don’t make up your own version of an existing name - it will just be confusing. People who know the correct name will call him by it, and given it’s pronounced very differently from the sounds you like, that’s not what you’re aiming for.

Also, Effie is a girl’s name - short for Euphemia.

I’d go back to the drawing board.

UsingChangeofName · 09/04/2023 15:12

Please don't give your child a name that even you don't know how to pronounce, or spell.

I had a friend (who would have been 90 now) called Eifion. He'd moved to England in the 1950s, and no-one could ever pronounce his name.

It's a lovely name (in Wales) - though, as pp said, probably a bit dated now - but not for people who are not Welsh speakers.

BigglyBee · 09/04/2023 15:13

Effie is a common-ish name in Scotland, but it's a girls' name, so I'd be careful about using that as an abbreviation.
I love Welsh names and have some Welsh family connections, but after my grandmother told me about how hard it was for her growing up with a Welsh name (Essyllt) that nobody knew how to spell or pronounce, it isn't something I considered for our own children. I might have done if I'd stayed in Wales, but in Scotland it would have been difficult for the child. My grandmother couldn't pronounce her own name either because she couldn't manage the Welsh "Ll" sound.

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