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23 replies

Diamondbabe · 21/03/2023 14:57

We have a little boy called Frank and whilst we don't know the scan looked very boy like!

Really struggling for names to go with Frank.

What do you think of Bertie or Burt?

OP posts:
BooksAndHooks · 21/03/2023 14:58

Love it. My grandfather was Frank and his brother was Bertie. Short for Herbert but I know a few Bertie’s short for Albert.

Azandme · 21/03/2023 14:59

In the gentlest of ways, I really don't like it.

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Diamondbabe · 21/03/2023 15:01

How funny the same names!

OP posts:
SummaLuvin · 21/03/2023 16:19

I know a Bertie (short for Albert) and he is wonderful. Not fond of Burt, can't really say why. Along with Frank these names lean into the 'old man name' thing, which I mean in a nice way, Frank is a favourite of mine. So it depends if you want to double down on that, or not. Amos also has a similar feel to me.

ourflagmeansdeath · 21/03/2023 18:07

I really dislike both, I'm sorry. It's one of my least favourite names. My daughter's history teacher called her son Bertram nickname Bertie and the boy gets made fun of all the time sadly.

I do much prefer Bertie to Burt though if it had to be one, and I quite like Albert! Frank and Albert sounds good.

Topseyt123 · 21/03/2023 18:09

Bertie isn't too bad, though I'm not that keen on it. Not Burt. Too like burp!

Topseyt123 · 21/03/2023 18:11

I agree that Albert would be better. As I shortening I've nothing against Albie.

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Jesko · 21/03/2023 18:13

Both absolutely awful but...Burt?? Of all the names in the world, Burt is what you want to name your child?

StopFeckingFaffing · 21/03/2023 18:13

I like Bertie/Bert and it goes perfectly with Frank

I don't like the Burt spelling it just looks wrong

Personlly I would choose Albert, Herbert or Gilbert to go on the birth certificate rather than just Bert

SirChenjins · 21/03/2023 18:13

Bertie is very twee and no to Burt - too much like burp.

RaininSummer · 21/03/2023 18:42

Albie is appalling. Bertie ok maybe quite cute.

gkhg · 21/03/2023 18:43

Burtie means to be sick near me

noodlezoodle · 21/03/2023 18:51

I know a Bertie and a Burt but they are both dogs.

OnaBegonia · 21/03/2023 19:05

Agree^^ all dogs I know with these names.

woldsma · 21/03/2023 21:14

I love Bertie, and had I had a son. I really like Bertrand (Nn Bertie) but I didn't have a son (and dh vetoed it anyway). But love the name!

katseyes7 · 21/03/2023 21:23

I LOVE Bertie. I don't have children of my own (two stepsons) but l called my first ever rabbit (which l got in my late fifties) Bertie.
Probably not what you wanted to hear, but l think it's a lovely gentle name.
Not keen on Burt, though.

ShesThunderstorms · 21/03/2023 21:25

Really really love Bertie. It's great.

SirChenjins · 21/03/2023 21:37

What about Robert with the nn Bertie if he likes it? That way he’ll have other options to pick from too - Rob/Robbie/Bertie etc

Luredbyapomegranate · 21/03/2023 22:48

Very cute as a diminutive but too nursery as a full name - I’d call him Robert / Albert / Alberic and use it as a shortform

CoffeeChocolateWine · 21/03/2023 23:02

Sorry but as far as boys' names go, I would struggle to think of a name with less appeal than Burt/Bertie. Both cringingly bad.

mousepen · 21/03/2023 23:09

I have a Bertie, I love it so much it suits him. I don't like burt , when I heard someone call him that I was like woah! It's Bertie! His little brother is a Ralph I love the old names

user1492757084 · 22/03/2023 07:11

Frank and Robert go well.
And if Bertie is not cute by the time hegrowsup then Robert is manly and handsome, like Frank.

AngelDelightUK · 22/03/2023 07:15

I love Bertie. I think it’s cute

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