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Thoughts on Arthur?

33 replies

Improvising · 18/11/2022 23:11

I really like Arthur.
Thoughts on the name in general and any nicknames would be appreciated:)

OP posts:
Watchthesunrise · 18/11/2022 23:12

Cute! NN Artie

PennyDeadful · 18/11/2022 23:13

I know an Arthur-Jorge nn AJ

I think Arthur's cute, I'm not sure i'd nn it though but Artie sounds like a nn and is still cute.

Luredbyapomegranate · 18/11/2022 23:17

Love it, there are a lot of them though

Art I guess

bravelittletiger · 18/11/2022 23:30

It's great but ridiculously popular.

NN Arthy, Art...

Improvising · 18/11/2022 23:31

Oh is it popular? I don't know anyone at all with the name!

OP posts:
toastofthetown · 18/11/2022 23:32

It’s nice but so popular. I imagine it will
date as it falls back down in popularity.

BellaEllaWella · 18/11/2022 23:38

Nice name but there are SO many - every second male baby I know is an Arthur - the rest are Teddy or Bertie

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NannyR · 18/11/2022 23:38

Nice enough but very popular. Artie would be the natural shortening but I don't like it as much as Arthur - it has a very different vibe (a "cheeky rascal" name like Sonny or Alfie).

TheBirdintheCave · 18/11/2022 23:46

There's nothing wrong with it but it is very popular so you'd have to decide whether that bothers you or not. I know two baby Arthurs: one is just Arthur and one is known as Art.

There were 3766 born in England and Wales alone last year.

roarfeckingroarr · 18/11/2022 23:49

I have one so I'm biased but it's a great name, great nicknames too

MissHavishamsMouldyOldCake · 19/11/2022 01:29

it's become super duper popular in the past few years. If you don't currently know many young kids it might sound very fresh to your ears, but small Arthurs are everywhere.

CoalCraft · 19/11/2022 06:15

Absolutely lovely name!

I guess Art is the obvious nickname but you can just wait and see what happens naturally. I had no idea I'd be calling DD2 Lolo till I just started doing it!

Eleusa · 19/11/2022 06:23

Lovely name. It was the tenth most popular boys’ name in the UK this year.

I know a few little Arthurs- nn Art, Artie, Arts.

Tintackedsea · 19/11/2022 06:29

It's a lovely name. If you like it then use it. Popularity varies from region to region so it doesn't really matter.

Pebblewaves · 19/11/2022 06:36

I like it a lot but I hear it has become very popular recently.

Christmaslover2022 · 19/11/2022 06:53

For me personally I wouldn't because people would say it wrong 🤣 you'd be hearing Aarfu, Arfa. Thus would really annoy me! Lol

cocktailclub · 19/11/2022 07:35

I love it. My uncle was named Arthur. It will become much more common though like all the lovely names from the 20s and 30s

Makirocks23 · 19/11/2022 07:47

I have an 8 year old Arthur. It was quite unusual when he was born but has soared in popularity since. I know of at least 6 Arthur’s under 5.
We don’t shorten his name as I’m not keen on Art or Artie.
I still love his name.

fruitstick · 19/11/2022 07:54

I'm furious it's so popular. I have a teenage one and everyone thought it was very 'unusual' when he was born.

Not that I mind really, it's a beautiful name and really suits him. He is sensible and wise.

It never EVER gets shortened.

swirlypinky · 19/11/2022 07:55

Nice but not if you live
In the SE


fruitstick · 19/11/2022 08:03

swirlypinky · 19/11/2022 07:55

Nice but not if you live
In the SE


When he was little we used to sing Arrfer Sixpence to him.

Because we're hilarious.

YukoandHiro · 19/11/2022 08:08

Very popular, know loads

TheBirdintheCave · 19/11/2022 08:09

Eleusa · 19/11/2022 06:23

Lovely name. It was the tenth most popular boys’ name in the UK this year.

I know a few little Arthurs- nn Art, Artie, Arts.

The ONS name stats for this year aren't released until September 2023. All we know at the moment is that last year it was fourth in the rankings.

Twizbe · 19/11/2022 08:18

Very popular around by me. I know lots of them.

GlassDeli · 19/11/2022 08:52

I know 'old man' names have comeback into fashion, and I like some of them, but Arthur ssounds fusty to me.

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