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39 replies

PurpleVioletBlue · 16/08/2022 22:47

Thoughts on Carmen?

OP posts:
MrsOwainGlyndŵr · 16/08/2022 22:48


ratussbaguss · 16/08/2022 22:49

Don't like it, can't really tell you why

Seeingadistance · 16/08/2022 22:51

MrsOwainGlyndŵr · 16/08/2022 22:48



CanaryShoulderedThorn · 16/08/2022 22:53

Not my taste at all, don't know why. Sounds a bit 1970s, heated rollers.

NotABeliever · 16/08/2022 22:53

No. Unless you have a Spanish sounding surname.

Rowen32 · 16/08/2022 22:54

Someone famous called their baby that last week, cannot remember who!

Whyaretheynotdoinganything · 16/08/2022 22:55

Makes me think of Bizet’s Opera ‘Carmen’ which I love, but the titular character is a prostitute, so I wouldn’t choose it for this reason. It’s the most popular opera (and even if you’ve never seen it, you’ll definitely know half the music!)

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RooniIWazlib · 16/08/2022 22:56

Neither "car" or "men" are nice sounding words.

Luredbyapomegranate · 16/08/2022 23:02

Like it

And Madeleine is a more famous prostitute character than Carmen in the opera, and yet the world is full of Madeleines.

Whyaretheynotdoinganything · 16/08/2022 23:50

@Luredbyapomegranate do you mean Mary Magdalene? I’m struggling to think of a famous prostitute named Madeleine but take your point, most people won’t think of it!

Greengreengrassbluebluesky · 16/08/2022 23:52

I don’t like it sorry and I can’t explain why either. The only one I know goes by her middle name.

TheBirdintheCave · 16/08/2022 23:54

It's not my taste but there's nothing actually wrong with it. It's a genuine name with a long history of use. Go for it if you like it :)

DramaAlpaca · 16/08/2022 23:57

I adore it. Such a strong, feisty name.

Ballsaque · 17/08/2022 00:00

I work for an opera company so could never use the name which is a shame because I love it!

plus there won’t be 5 other girls with the name in her class.

OneFootintheRave · 17/08/2022 00:20

Love it.

felulageller · 17/08/2022 00:22

I really like it.

Jemimapinotduck · 17/08/2022 00:32


goingtotown · 17/08/2022 00:45

Carmel is nicer.

FlyingSaucerss · 17/08/2022 01:07

Rowen32 · 16/08/2022 22:54

Someone famous called their baby that last week, cannot remember who!

Are you thinking of Leona Lewis? as it’s not carmen it’s Carmel which I think is nicer

Thatboymum · 17/08/2022 01:17

my dm is a carmen and absolutley hates her name to this day, I love it she is a strong willed very intelligent successful career driven woman. My sisters boyfriends toddler is also a carmen and she gets so many compliments on her name and it really suits her

Aria999 · 17/08/2022 01:25

It makes me think of Carmina Burana.

I did consider it actually but decided against for some of the reasons given ('car-men')

I prefer Carmina

MarmadukeSpillageEsquire · 17/08/2022 01:32

Love it. Knew one once who was firey but in a good way, lovely with it.

LooneyToon · 17/08/2022 02:12

Agree Carmel is much better.. carmen is bit masculine

sashh · 17/08/2022 03:51

Whyaretheynotdoinganything · 16/08/2022 22:55

Makes me think of Bizet’s Opera ‘Carmen’ which I love, but the titular character is a prostitute, so I wouldn’t choose it for this reason. It’s the most popular opera (and even if you’ve never seen it, you’ll definitely know half the music!)

My thoughts were 'The opera', I don't recognise Carmen being a prostitute though, but it's been a while since i have seen it.

My second thought was hairdryers and heated rollers.

Orphlids · 17/08/2022 07:06

I love it. So refreshingly unfrilly. Sounds strong and elegant. And the operatic character is great! Met a sticky end, but don’t they all? I’d be chuffed to meet a little Carmen.

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