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51 replies

Lazybedhead · 07/08/2022 15:48

We’ve looked at loads of sites for a boy’s name (don’t know what we are having yet!) and can’t seem to agree on any.
I thought of Reuben, thoughts please?

OP posts:
pitterypattery00 · 07/08/2022 15:56

My son's name so obviously I'm biased but I think it's a great name! We liked a lot of 'R' names so it was hard to choose but this was the one that we both liked equally and 2 years on I've no regrets. He's called Reuben 95% of the time, and occasionally Reubs.

Several people commented to us when we named him that it's a 'strong name'.

It does occasionally get misspelt (Ruben/Rueben) but then so do me and my partner's names (which are fairly common).

Other names I liked in case we have similar taste: Matthew, Alexander, Owen, Euan, Ruairidh, Ronan, Robin, Jamie.

pinklavenders · 07/08/2022 16:02

It's a nice name. It feels Jewish to my ears.

Similar names


Rooglypoogly · 07/08/2022 16:04

I love it - I'm biased as I have one too! 😍

Minecraftatemychild · 07/08/2022 16:05

Love it.

butterflied · 07/08/2022 16:06

Really nice.

jsy444 · 07/08/2022 16:08

It's really not up to us is it?

TheVanguardSix · 07/08/2022 16:08

One of the founders of the tribes of Israel. Powerful name.

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pinklavenders · 07/08/2022 16:14

Reuben or Reuven is a Biblical male first name from Hebrew רְאוּבֵן (Re'uven), meaning "behold, a son". In the Bible, Reuben was the firstborn son of Jacob.

DuchessOfSausage · 07/08/2022 17:25

It will be misspelt as Ruben and Rubin, as these are variants.
It will also be misspelt as Rueben, which does get given as a name to a few boys each year.

Names like Roman, Rory, Rufus, Rowan and Robin are quite popular so blends in a bit too much for me.

Reuben was one of 12 brothers, and I much prefer Dan, Benjamin and Joseph's names.

MassiveSalad22 · 07/08/2022 17:26

Know lots with variations of Ruben, Rueben and Reuben so that can be a bit confusing. That’s the only issue for me though!

LilacSky95 · 07/08/2022 17:26

Love it !

User48751490 · 07/08/2022 17:28

Fantastic name.

Spanielsarepainless · 07/08/2022 17:29

Lovely. My godson is Reuben. And the best spelling.

KangarooKenny · 07/08/2022 17:30

I love it. I wanted to use it but wasn’t allowed.

AnotherNC22 · 07/08/2022 17:43

Very popular in London at the minute - i know of 3 born in the last few years. But that might not translate to popular nationally or you might not mind, so if you like it, then go for it!

PancakesWithCheese · 07/08/2022 18:05

Very popular, I know a few.

Luredbyapomegranate · 07/08/2022 19:55

Great - but very very popular, along with Rory, Roman and Rowan.

Ronan is more unusual.

emmathedilemma · 08/08/2022 10:20

i like it, but i agree it seems very popular in the last couple of years. Every other baby seems to have called Reuben or Theo.

pitterypattery00 · 08/08/2022 10:54

According to ONS figures for E&W, It had a steep rise in popularity from about 2002 to 2015. Since then it seems to be plateauing in the 40-50 rank zone. In 2020, it was given to 0.42% of baby boys (roughly 1 in 250).

So it's certainly not an uncommon name these days but far from being a top 10 name.

I know of a couple, bit haven't met any others my son's age at nursery or any toddler groups so far (whereas I have met a little boy with a very unusual name that I considered for my son, so you never can tell!)

peaceinourtime · 09/08/2022 01:12

A Reuben that I know goes by Benny, so be aware of that as it is a shortening of the name.

WoolyMammoth55 · 09/08/2022 01:43

We live in the sticks in Somerset and know 3 Reubens in our circle - 5 yo, 4 yo and 2 yo.

In contrast my DS is a Benjamin (Ben) and we don't know any others...

So I'd personally say it's a bit too common! :)

sausage767 · 09/08/2022 01:49

It's a really nice sandwich.

Lazybedhead · 09/08/2022 09:38

peaceinourtime · 09/08/2022 01:12

A Reuben that I know goes by Benny, so be aware of that as it is a shortening of the name.

We’d shorten it to ‘Roo’
I don’t know of any other Reubens in the area (midlands).

OP posts:
pixiebex86 · 12/08/2022 22:53

My son is Rueben Alexander,
We call him Roo for short. I love his name

pixiebex86 · 12/08/2022 22:54

He's now 13

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